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Cast of Characters


The Early Years

Principal: William Magear “Boss” Tweed

Principal: Judge P. Henry Dugro

Principal: Harry S. Black

Principal: Conrad Hilton

Principal: William Zeckendorf

The Rayne/Benattar Years

Principal: Max Rayne

Principal: Cecilia Benattar

Principals' lawyers: Jesse Wolff, Martin Ginsberg

Principals' spouses: Jack Benattar, Michael Schwartz (Benattar), Lady Jane Vane-Tempest-Stewart (Rayne)

Principals' children: The Honorable Robert “Robbie” Rayne; Naomi, Simon, Jessica, and Judith Benattar

Principals' tenants: Mary Wells Lawrence, Estée and Leonard Lauder, Ira Millstein, Harvey Miller, General Motors

Principals' broker: Harry Macklowe

Principals' architect: Edward Durrell Stone

Principals' supporting cast: James Nagy, Geoffrey Wharton

The Disque Deane Years

Principal: Disque Deane

Principal's wives: Anne Delafield, Marjorie Schlesinger, Carol Gram

Principal's acknowledged children: Marjorie Deane, Kathryn Deane, Disque Deane Jr., Walter Deane, Anne Deane, and Carl Deane

Principal's unacknowledged child: Hare Deane

Principal's mentor: André Meyer

Principal's senior executives: Hans Mautner, Jerry O'Connor, G. Martin Fell, Warren Hamer, Thomas Zacharias

Principal's mistress; Barbara Koz

Seller to Principal: Harry Macklowe

Principal's supporting cast: Roderick Johnson

Principal's business partners: Fred and Donald J. Trump

The Simon/Trump/Hilbert Years

Principal: Donald J. Trump

Principal: Stephen Hilbert

Principal: David Simon

Principals' leading ladies: Melania Trump, Tomisue Hilbert, Louann Hilbert

Principal's supporting cast: Rhona Graff (Trump)

Principals' senior executives: Abraham Wallach (Trump), George Ross (Trump), Ngaire Cuneo (Hilbert), Rollin Dick (Hilbert), James Adams (Hilbert)

Principal's advisor: Robert B. Horowitz (Trump)

Principal's would-be broker: Rita Jenrette

Principal's lenders: Lehman Brothers (Mark Walsh, Charles Schoenherr)

Principals' opponents: Charles Cremens, Reed Oslan, JB Carlson (Hilbert), John Menard (Hilbert)

Principals' competitors: Michael Fascitelli, Steven Roth, Samuel Zell (Trump)

Principal's friend-turned-nemesis: Benjamin V. Lambert (Trump)

The Macklowe Years

Principal: Harry B. Macklowe

Principal's leading lady: Linda Macklowe

Principal's family members: William S. Macklowe (spouse Julie), Elizabeth Macklowe (Kent Swig)

Principal's supporting cast: Liliana Coriasco

Principal's lawyers: Robert Sorin, Joseph Forstadt, Jonathan L. Mechanic

Principal's financial broker: Robert Horowitz

General Motors Building sales brokers: Wayne Maggin, Benjamin Lambert, Roy March, Douglas Harmon

Principal's lenders: Eric Schwartz, Robert Verrone, Andrew Bednar, Peter J. Briger, Steve Stuart, Roger Cozzi, Steven Mnuchin

Principal's design team: Daniel Shannon

Principal's chief rivals: Michael Fascitelli, Steven Roth, Sheldon Solow, and representing Solow: David Boies, Andrew Hayes, Steven M. Cherniak

Principal's art dealer: Andrew Fabricant

Principal's partners at Apple: Steve Jobs, George Blankenship; Peter Bohlin and Karl Backus (architects)

Some of Principal's tenants: Joseph Perella, Leonard Lauder, Sanford Weill, Carl Icahn, Weil, Gotshal & Manges

Sellers of Equity Office Properties (EOP) to Principal: Jonathan D. Gray, Anthony Myers

Former owner of EOP: Samuel F. Zell

The Zuckerman Years

Principal: Mortimer Zuckerman

Principal: The Safra family

Principal: Zhang Xin

The Liar's Ball

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