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Tinkles Flanders


Just beyond the brick walls that bordered Farmer Oliver’s land, near that big willow tree, thrived a prairie dog town. On how that town of furry, fluffy creatures came to be no one really knows for sure, but it was there alright.

There was one particular prairie dog that was the furriest, and fluffiest than the rest, and he was known as Tinkles Flanders. Tinkles Flanders often burrowed his way right into Farmer Oliver’s farm. He made many friends among the animals in the farm. Tinkles often hung out with the squirrel, and together, they foraged the farm for nuts, roots, and seeds.

One afternoon, while waiting for the squirrel to throw down some nuts, Tinkles Flanders heard a shrill cry that pierced the afternoon sky. Then a big, menacing shadow appeared, it was a hawk!

“Oh no!” he rose on his tiny hindquarters and squeaked, “Squirrel! Squirrel! There’s a hawk flying about!”

The squirrel, who was up in the tree that time, quickly rushed to the topmost branch, then scampered back down to the ground, and said, “Tinkles Flanders! You better run home! Get your furry behind home! The hawk is circling around, and may attack the prairie town!”

And with that, Tinkles Flanders ran back to the tunnel and ran as fast as his tiny feet could carry him.

Back in prairie dog town, the other prairie dogs were just mulling about, tumbling across the ground, then all of a sudden a high-pitched “yip-yip-yap” was heard. It was Tinkles Flanders, who finally emerged from a tunnel and was now standing high on a mound.

“Yip! Yip! Yap!” he cried out. All the other prairie dogs stood at attention. “Get everyone underground, there’s a hawk flying about! It’s hungry and may snatch us all up and eat us!” said Tinkles Flanders.

At that moment, all of the prairie dogs scampered down to their burrows while Tinkles Flanders stood watching, occasionally ducking and hiding as the hawk swooped down and tried to catch him. The hawk who was tired of flying all day decided to give up so he flew away.

Another cry was heard in prairie dog town, this time it was a jubilant “Hurrah!” as Tinkles Flanders and his fellow prairie dogs were once again safe, and lived to see another day.

Forewarned is forearmed

The Farm of Wisdom

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