Читать книгу Simply Management: Effective Methods to Plan, Manage, and Improve Businesses - Warwick J Thompson - Страница 5



What is a strategy? There are as many definitions as there are authors.

I define strategy as the creation of competitive advantage and the strategic process is knowing how you will create competitive advantage and how to achieve it.

Just knowing what it is you want to achieve and how to get there, is not a strategy, it’s an objective. It lacks having a competitive advantage.

Competitive advantage creates the opportunity for profit and business security. The strategy of any business is to find ways of building competitive advantage over other participants. The stronger the competitive advantages and the more sustainable they are, the better the opportunity for higher profits and for longer-term survival of the business.

Strategies should not be confused with success factors.

Simply Management: Effective Methods to Plan, Manage, and Improve Businesses

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