Читать книгу A Little Preserving Book for a Little Girl - Waterman Amy Harlow (Lane) - Страница 7

Apricot Marmalade


From the apricots Adelaide did not remove the skins, she simply cut them in halves and took out the stones, put them in the saucepan, added the water, and boiled slowly until the fruit was very soft, stirring frequently with the wooden spoon. When sufficiently cooked she rubbed the fruit through a wooden strainer, put it back in the saucepan, added the sugar and lemon juice, and let it cook slowly for about half an hour. Adelaide stirred occasionally to be sure that the marmalade did not burn, and poured it at once into sterilized tumblers when it was finished. The tops and outsides she wiped clean when they were cool, and then poured melted paraffin over the top of the marmalade, and gently shook the paraffin from side to side to make them air tight.

The labels were then pasted on and the tumblers stored away in the preserve closet.

A Little Preserving Book for a Little Girl

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