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ОглавлениеWith regard to the preparation of fur by acid mixtures for felting, mentioned in the last lecture, I will tell you what I think I should recommend. In all wool and fur there is a certain amount of grease, and this may vary in different parts of the material. Where there is most, however, the acid, nitric acid, or nitric acid solution of nitrate of mercury, will wet, and so act on the fur, least. But the action ought to be uniform, and I feel sure it cannot be until the grease is removed. I should therefore first wash the felts on the fur side with a weak alkaline solution, one of carbonate of soda, free from any caustic, to remove all grease, then with water to remove alkali; and my belief is that a weaker and less acid solution of nitric acid and nitrate of mercury, and a smaller quantity of it, would then do the work required, and do it more uniformly.
A question frequently asked is: "Why will dead wool not felt?" Answer: If the animal become weak and diseased, the wool suffers degradation; also, with improvement in health follows pari passu, improvement in the wool structure, which means increase both in number and vigour of the scales on the wool fibres, increase of the serrated ends of these, and of their regularity. In weakness and disease the number of scales in a given hair-shaft diminishes, and these become finer and less
Fig. 13.
pronounced. The fibres themselves also become attenuated. Hence when disease becomes death, we have considerably degraded fibres. This is seen clearly in the subjoined figures (see Fig. 13), which are of wool fibres from animals that have died of disease. The fibres are attenuated and irregular, the scale markings and edges have almost disappeared in some places, and are generally scanty and meagre in development. It is no wonder that such "dead wool" will be badly adapted for felting. "Dead wool" is nearly as bad as "kempy" wool, in which malformation of fibre has occurred. In such "kemps," as Dr. Bowman has shown, scales have disappeared, and the fibre has become, in part or whole, a dense, non-cellular structure, resisting dye-penetration and felting (see Fig. 14).
Fig. 14.
One of the physical properties of wool is its hygroscopicity or power of absorbing moisture. As the very structure of wool and fur fibre would lead us to suppose, these substances are able to absorb a very considerable amount of water without appearing damp. If exposed freely to the air in warm and dry weather, wool retains from 8 to 10 per cent., and if in a damp place for some time, it may absorb as much as from 30 to 50 per cent. of water: Wool, fur, or hair that has been washed, absorbs the most moisture; indeed, the amount of water taken up varies inversely with the fatty or oily matter present. Hence the less fat the more moisture. In the washed wool, those fibres in which the cells are more loosely arranged have the greatest absorbing power for water. No doubt the moisture finds its way in between the cells of the wool fibre from which the oil or fat has been removed. But I need hardly remind you that if wool and fur are capable, according to the circumstances under which they are placed, of absorbing so much moisture as that indicated, it becomes (especially in times of pressure and competition) very important to inquire if it be not worth while to cease paying wool and fur prices for mere water. This question was answered long ago in the negative by our Continental neighbours, and in Germany, France, and Switzerland official conditioning establishments have been founded by the Governments of those countries for the purpose of testing lots of purchased wool and silk, etc., for moisture, in order that this moisture may be deducted from the invoices, and cash paid for real dry wool, etc. I would point out that if you, as hat manufacturers, desire to enter the lists with Germany, you must not let her have any advantage you have not, and it is an advantage to pay for what you know exactly the composition of, rather than for an article that may contain 7 per cent. or, for aught you know, 17 per cent. or 30 per cent. of water. There is, so far as I know, no testing for water in wools and furs in this country, and certainly no "conditioning establishments" (1887), and, I suppose, if a German or French wool merchant or furrier could be imagined as selling wool, etc., in part to a German or French firm, and in part to an English one, the latter would take the material without a murmur, though it might contain 10 per cent., or, peradventure, 30 per cent. of water, and no doubt the foreign, just as the English merchant or dealer, would get the best price he could, and regard the possible 10 per cent. or 30 per cent. of water present with certainly the more equanimity the more of that very cheap element there were present. But look at the other side. The German or French firm samples its lot as delivered, takes the sample to be tested, and that 10 or 30 per cent. of water is deducted, and only the dry wool is paid for. A few little mistakes of this kind, I need hardly say, will altogether form a kind of vade mecum for the foreign competitor.
We will now see what the effect of water is in the felting operation. Especially hot water assists that operation, and the effect is a curious one. When acid is added as well, the felting is still further increased, and shrinking also takes place. As already shown you, the free ends of the scales, themselves softened by the warm dilute acid, are extended and project more, and stand out from the shafts of the hairs. On the whole, were I a hat manufacturer, I should prefer to buy my fur untreated by that nitric acid and mercury process previously referred to, and promote its felting properties myself by the less severe and more rational course of proceeding, such, for example, as treatment with warm dilute acid. We have referred to two enemies standing in the way to the obtainment of a final lustre and finish on felted wool or fur, now let us expose a third. In the black dyeing of the hat-forms a boiling process is used. Let us hear what Dr. Bowman, in his work on the wool fibre, says with regard to boiling with water. "Wool which looked quite bright when well washed with tepid water, was decidedly duller when kept for some time in water at a temperature of 160° F., and the same wool, when subjected to boiling water at 212° F., became quite dull and lustreless. When tested for strength, the same fibres which carried on the average 500 grains without breaking before boiling, after boiling would not bear more than 480 grains." Hence this third enemy is a boiling process, especially a long-continued one if only with water itself. If we could use coal-tar colours and dye in only a warm weak acid bath, not boil, we could get better lustre and finish.
We will now turn our attention to the chemical composition of wool and fur fibres. On chemical analysis still another element is found over and above those mentioned as the constituents of silk fibre. In silk, you will recollect, we observed the presence of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. In wool, fur, etc., we must add a fifth constituent, namely, sulphur. Here is an analysis of pure German wool—Carbon, 49·25 per cent.; hydrogen, 7·57; oxygen, 23·66; nitrogen, 15·86; sulphur, 3·66—total, 100·00. If you heat either wool, fur, or hair to 130° C., it begins to decompose, and to give off ammonia; if still further heated to from 140° to 150° C., vapours containing sulphur are evolved. If some wool be placed in a dry glass tube, and heated strongly so as to cause destructive distillation, products containing much carbonate of ammonium are given off. The ammonia is easily detected by its smell of hartshorn and the blue colour produced on a piece of reddened litmus paper, the latter being a general test to distinguish alkalis, like ammonia, soda, and potash, from acids. No vegetable fibres will, under any circumstances, give off ammonia. It may be asked, "But what does the production of ammonia prove?" I reply, the "backbone," chemically speaking, of ammonia is nitrogen. Ammonia is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, and is formulated NH3, and hence to discover ammonia in the products as mentioned is to prove the prior existence of its nitrogen in the wool, fur, and hair fibres.
Action of Acids on Wool, etc.—Dilute solutions of vitriol (sulphuric acid) or hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid, spirits of salt) have little effect on wool, whether warm or cold, except to open out the scales and confer roughness on the fibre. Used in the concentrated state, however, the wool or fur would soon be disintegrated and ruined. But under all circumstances the action is far less than on cotton, which is destroyed at once and completely. Nitric acid acts like sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, but it gives a yellow colour to the fibre. You see this clearly enough in the fur that comes from your furriers after the treatment they subject it to with nitric acid and nitrate of mercury. There is a process known called the stripping of wool, and it consists in destroying the colour of wool and woollen goods already dyed, in order that they may be re-dyed. Listen, however, to the important precautions followed: A nitric acid not stronger than from 3° to 4° Twaddell is used, and care is taken not to prolong the action more than three or four minutes.
Action of Alkalis.—Alkalis have a very considerable action on fur and wool, but the effects vary a good deal according to the kind of alkali used, the strength and the temperature of the solution, as also, of course, the length of period of contact. The caustic alkalis, potash and soda, under all conditions affect wool and fur injuriously. In fact, we have a method of recovering indigo from indigo-dyed woollen rags, based on the solubility of the wool in hot caustic soda. The wool dissolves, and the indigo, being insoluble, remains, and can be recovered. Alkaline carbonates and soap in solution have little or no injurious action if not too strong, and if the temperature be not over 50° C. (106° F.). Soap and carbonate of ammonium have the least injurious action. Every washer or scourer of wool, when he uses soaps, should first ascertain if they are free from excess of alkali, i.e. that they contain no free alkali; and when he uses soda ash (sodium carbonate), that it contains no caustic alkali. Lime, in water or otherwise, acts injuriously, rendering the fibre brittle.
Reactions and tests proving chemical differences and illustrating modes of discriminating and separating vegetable fibres, silk and wool, fur, etc.—You will remember I stated that the vegetable fibre differs chemically from those of silk, and silk from wool, fur, and hair, in that with the first we have as constituents only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; in silk we have carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen; whilst in wool, fur, and hair we have carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur. I have already shown you that if we can liberate by any means ammonia from a substance, we have practically proved the presence of nitrogen in that substance, for ammonia is a nitrogen compound. As regards sulphur and its compounds, that ill-smelling gas, sulphuretted hydrogen, which occurs in rotten eggs, in organic effluvia from cesspools and the like, and which in the case of bad eggs, and to some extent with good eggs, turns the silver spoons black, and in the case of white lead paints turns these brown or black, I can show you some still more convincing proofs that sulphur is contained in wool, fur, and hair, and not in silk nor in vegetable fibres. First, I will heat strongly some cotton with a little soda-lime in a tube, and hold a piece of moistened red litmus paper over the mouth of the tube. If nitrogen is present it will take up hydrogen in the decomposition ensuing, and escape as ammonia, which will turn the red litmus paper blue. With the cotton, however, no ammonia escapes, no turning of the piece of red litmus paper blue is observed, and so no nitrogen can be present in the cotton fibre. Secondly, I will similarly treat some silk. Ammonia escapes, turns the red litmus paper blue, possesses the smell like hartshorn, and produces, with hydrochloric acid on the stopper of a bottle, dense white fumes of sal-ammoniac (ammonium chloride). Hence silk contains nitrogen. Thirdly, I will heat some fur with soda-lime. Ammonia escapes, giving all the reactions described under silk. Hence fur, wool, etc., contain nitrogen. As regards proofs of all three of these classes of fibres containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the char they all leave behind on heating in a closed vessel is the carbon itself present. For the hydrogen and oxygen, a perfectly dry sample of any of these fabrics is taken, of course in quantity, and heated strongly in a closed vessel furnished with a condensing worm like a still. You will find all give you water as a condensate—the vegetable fibre, acid water; the animal fibres, alkaline water from the ammonia. The presence of water proves both hydrogen and oxygen, since water is a compound of these elements. If you put a piece of potassium in contact with the water, the latter will at once decompose, the potassium absorbing the oxygen, and setting free the hydrogen as gas, which you could collect and ignite with a match, when you would find it would burn. That hydrogen was the hydrogen forming part of your cotton, silk, or wool, as the case might be. We must now attack the question of sulphur. First, we prepare a little alkaline lead solution (sodium plumbate) by adding caustic soda to a solution of lead acetate or sugar of lead, until the white precipitate first formed is just dissolved. That is one of our reagents; the other is a solution of a red-coloured salt called nitroprusside of sodium, made by the action of nitric acid on sodium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate). The first-named is very sensitive to sulphur, and turns black directly. To show this, we take a quantity of flowers of sulphur, dissolve in caustic soda, and add to the lead solution. It turns black at once, because the sulphur unites with the lead to form black sulphide of lead. The nitroprusside, however, gives a beautiful crimson-purple coloration. Now on taking a little cotton and heating with the caustic alkaline lead solution, if sulphur were present in that cotton, the fibre would turn black or brown, for the lead would at once absorb such sulphur, and form in the fibre soaked with it, black sulphide of lead. No such coloration is formed, so cotton does not contain sulphur. Secondly, we must test silk. Silk contains nitrogen, like wool, but does it contain sulphur? The answer furnished by our tests is—no! since the fibre is not coloured brown or black on heating with the alkaline lead solution. Thirdly, we try some white Berlin wool, so that we can easily see the change of colour if it takes place. In the hot lead solution the wool turns black, lead sulphide being formed. On adding the nitroprusside solution to a fresh portion of wool boiled with caustic soda, to dissolve out the sulphur, a splendid purple coloration is produced. Fur and hair would, of course, do the same thing. Lead solutions have been used for dyeing the hair black; not caustic alkaline solutions like this, however. They would do something more than turn the hair black—probably give rise to some vigorous exercise of muscular power! Still it has been found that even the lead solutions employed have, through gradual absorption into the system, whilst dyeing the hair black, also caused colics and contractions of the limbs.
Having now found means for proving the presence of the various elements composing cotton, silk, and wool, fur or hair, we come to methods that have been proposed for distinguishing these fibres more generally, and for quantitatively determining them in mixtures. One of the best of the reagents for this purpose is the basic zinc chloride already referred to. This is made as follows: 100 parts of fused zinc chloride, 85 parts of water, and 4 parts of zinc oxide are boiled together until a clear solution is obtained. This solution dissolves silk slowly in the cold, quickly if hot, and forms a thick gummy liquid. Wool, fur, and vegetable fibres are not affected by it. Hence if we had a mixture, and treated with this solution, we could strain off the liquid containing the dissolved silk, and would get cotton and wool left. On weighing before and after such treatment, the difference in weights would give us the silk present. The residue boiled with caustic soda would lose all its wool, which is soluble in hot strong caustic alkali. Again straining off, we should get only the cotton or other vegetable fibre left, and thus our problem would be solved. Of course there are certain additional niceties and modifications still needed, and I must refer you for the method in full to the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 1882, page 64; also 1884, page 517. I will now conclude with some tests with alkaline and acid reagents, taken in order, and first the acids. These will also impress upon our minds the effects of acids and alkalis on the different kinds of fibres.
I. In three flasks three similar portions of cotton lamp-wick, woollen yarn, and silk are placed, after previously moistening them in water and wringing them out. To each is now added similar quantities of concentrated sulphuric acid. The cotton is quickly broken up and dissolved, especially if assisted by gentle warming, and at last a brown, probably a black-brown, solution is obtained. The woollen is a little broken up, but not much to the naked eye, and the vitriol is not coloured. The silk is at once dissolved, even in the cold acid. We now add excess of water to the contents of each flask. A brownish, though clear, solution is produced in the case of cotton; the woollen floats not much injured in the acid, whilst a clear limpid solution is obtained with the silk. On adding tannic acid solution to all three, only the silk yields a precipitate, a rather curdy one consisting of fibroïn.
II. Three specimens of cotton, wool, and silk, respectively, are touched with nitric acid. Cotton is not coloured, but wool and silk are stained yellow; they are practically dyed.
III. Three specimens, of cotton, wool, and silk, respectively, are placed in three flasks, and caustic soda solution of specific gravity 1·05 (10° Twaddell) is added. On boiling, the wool and silk dissolve, whilst the cellulose fibre, cotton, remains undestroyed.
IV. If, instead of caustic soda as in III., a solution of oxide of copper in ammonia be used, cotton and silk are dissolved, but wool remains unchanged, i.e. undissolved. If sugar or gum solutions be added to the solutions of cotton and silk, the cotton cellulose is precipitated, whilst the silk is not, but remains in solution.
V. Another alkaline solvent for silk, which, however, leaves undissolved cotton and wool, is prepared as follows: 16 grains of copper sulphate ("blue vitriol," "bluestone") are dissolved in 150 c.c. of water, and then 16 grains of glycerin are added. To this mixture a solution of caustic soda is added until the precipitate first formed is just re-dissolved, so as not to leave an excess of caustic soda present.