Читать книгу Manifest Your Destiny: The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want - Уэйн Дайер, Wayne Dyer W. - Страница 10



When you enter this stage of life, regardless of your age or position, you recognize your truest essence, the highest self. When you know your highest self, you are on your way to becoming a co-creator of your entire world, learning to manage the circumstances of your life and participating with assurance in the act of creation. You literally become a manifester.

The spirit stage of life is characterized by an awareness that this place called earth is not your home. You know that you are not an athlete, a warrior, or even a statesperson, but that you are an infinite, limitless, immortal, universal and eternal energy temporarily residing in a body. You know that nothing dies, that everything is an energy that is constantly changing.

As a soul with a body you are passionately drawn to your inner world. You leave fears behind and start to experience a kind of detachment from this physical plane. You become an observer of your world and you move into other dimensions of consciousness. This inner infinite energy is not just in you, it is in all things and all people who are alive now and have ever lived. You begin to know this intimately.

In order to evolve beyond the earth plane, you need to learn to leave it at will by finding the source of this infinite energy that is responsible for filling your lungs, beating your heart, growing your hair and making it possible for you to read the words on this page. You the physical being are not growing your hair, your nature is doing that for you. The energy that is you is handling all of the details. That spirit that is you is not contained by the physical domain at all. It has no boundaries, no form, no limits to its outer edges. You are aware of the real source of your life, even though you have been conditioned to believe otherwise.

When you reach this level, you are in the space I think of as being in this world, but not of this world.

This energy that is you, call it what you will—spirit, soul—can never die and has never died in the past. Most people think of the spiritual world as a future occurrence that they will know after death. Most of us have been taught that the highest self is something that you cannot know as long as you are trapped in a body on this planet. However, the spirit is now. It is in you in this moment, and the energy is not something that you will ultimately come to know but is what you are here and now.

The unseen energy that was once in Shakespeare or Picasso or Galileo, or any human form, is also available to all of us. That is because the spirit energy does not die, it simply changes form.

Even though our rational left-brain mind has been trained to believe that when a person dies his spirit is gone, the truth is that you cannot destroy energy. Your highest self is the spirit presently within you. The energy that was Picasso was not his body, nor was the energy that was Shakespeare his body. It was the inner feelings and the creative genius that took the form of a body and a creation on canvas or paper. That has never died. It can’t die because it has no boundaries, no beginning, no end, no physical characteristics that we call form.

That energy is within you. If you want to know it, you can tune into it, and when you do, you leave the limitations of this earth plane and enter a dimension of limitlessness that allows you to create and attract to you whatever it is that you want or need on this journey.

At this level you loosen your emotional attachment to what you view as your reality. This detachment is followed by a knowing that the observer within you who is always noticing your surroundings and your thoughts is in reality the source of your physical world. This awareness, along with your willingness to enter this domain, is the beginning of learning to attract to yourself that which you desire and need while you are in a physical body.

Up to this point, you probably have been unable to loosen your attachment to the material world. You may believe that there is no other world. If so, you have actually abandoned your divine capability, which is the cause of the sensory world you so assiduously embrace. Gaining the awareness that you have a higher self that is universal and eternal will lead you to gaining access to that world more freely and to participating in the act of manifesting your heart’s desire.

Manifest Your Destiny: The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want

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