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Agassiz, (Jean) Louis, 25, 31

Agassiz Club, 25, 32

Alaska boundary dispute, 123

Alger, Russell, 156, 173, 176

Allan, Sir Hugh, 69

Alton, Illinois, 35, 37, 200

American Civil War, 26, 28, 42, 199

Angus, Richard (R.B.), 70, 148, 150

Banff Springs Hotel, 86, 100, 101, 102

“Battle of Fort Whyte,” 106

Berenson, Bernard, 140, 150

Berenson, Mary, 140

Bierstadt, Albert, 103

Bing, Samuel, 152

Black, Edward, 148

Blackstone, Timothy, 38, 39, 42

Bloomington, Illinois, 25, 30–35, 45,


Boissevain, Adolphe, 120

Borden, Robert, 191, 194

Brazil Railway Company, 178–79

Canada Central Railway, 71

Canada Northwest Land Company,


Canadian Pacific Railway,

attacks on, 88, 90

construction, 69, 76–83, 84

contract, 71

freight, 182

government relief, 89, 92–93

land sales, 88

last spike, 9–10

monopoly clause, 71, 106

route,71–73, 76, 80

shares, 125

Short Line, 112–13

steamships, 99–100, 103

strikes, 116

Canadian Salt Company, 152, 175

Canadian Sardine Company, 152,

182, 204

Cassatt, Mary, 149

Cézanne, Paul, 149

Chelsea, Illinois, 10, 12, 14, 145

Chicago, Illinois, 16, 39–40, 42

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul

Railroad, 62, 64

Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific

Railroad, 16

Chicago and Alton Railroad, 27–28,

30, 35, 37–39, 41, 44, 46, 53,

54–55, 57– 60, 62, 199– 201

Chicago Fire of 1871, 40–41, 200

Colonna, Edward, 130

Consolidated Electric Company, 181

Cooke, Jay, 48

Covenhoven, 135–39, 143, 145, 202

Craigellachie, 9, 11, 93

Cramp, Mary, 188–89

Cuba, 153–72, 193–95

Cuba Company, 152, 160, 162, 164–

66, 168, 170, 174, 178, 186, 203

Cuba Railroad, 141, 154–55, 165–66,

169–70, 186, 204

Cullen, Maurice, 149

Dominie (see Van Horne, Abram)

Dominion Coal Company, 179

Dominion Iron and Steel Company,


Drummond, Sir George A., 148

Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic

Railway, 113, 115

Duluth and Winnipeg Railroad, 114,


Easton, Jason, 51, 55

Eaton, Wyatt, 45, 140

Edgar, Maud, 138, 188, 189

Empress of China (ship), 100

Empress of India (ship), 100

Empress of Japan (ship), 100

Equitable Life Assurance Society,

180, 183, 187

Farquhar, Percival, 155, 157, 162, 167,

177, 178

Fleming, Sir Sandford, 75, 200

Foraker Act, 159, 166, 167

Frankfort, Illinois, 10, 12, 197

Fraser, John, 86

Fraser, William, 34, 133

Fraser Canyon, 71, 95, 97, 104

Fry, Roger, 147

Galesburg, Illinois, 31

Gold, Cornelius, 48, 53

Grand Falls Water Power and Boom

Company, 176

Grand Trunk Railway, 88, 113, 198

Grasshoppers, 49

Guatemala Railroad, 178

Hamilton, John, 129

Hammond, John, 103

Havana, Cuba, 154, 157–58, 167–68,

190, 203

Havana Electric Railway, 156

Havana Street Railway, 158

Hickson, Joseph, 113

Hill, James Jerome, 65, 67, 113, 147,

161, 192

Hopkins, George B., 59, 60

Horne-Payne, Robert, 117

Horsefly and Hydraulic mining

companies, 180

Hosmer, Charles, 148

Hurd, Anna, 31–32, 34

Hurd, Erastus, 32

Hurd, Lucy Adaline (see Van Horne,

Lucy Adaline)

Illinois Central Railroad, 22, 198

Johnson, Pauline, 140

Joliet, Illinois, 14–17, 190, 195, 198,


Kipling, Rudyard, 104, 140

Knowlton, Henry, 22–23

Lacombe, Father Albert, 97–98

Langdon, R.B., 78

Laurentide Pulp and Paper

Company, 175–76, 183

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 122, 187, 191,


Macdonald, Sir John A., 69–71, 76,

88–93, 98, 112–13, 199, 200

Mackay, John, 124

Mackay, Senator Robert, 131

Mackenzie, Alexander, 10, 69

Mackenzie, William, 156, 181

Maxwell, Edward, 136, 182, 189

McClure, Samuel, 193

McInnes, Graham C., 149

McIntyre, Duncan, 71

McKinley, President William, 160,


Michigan Central Railroad, 23–24,


Minister’s Island, New Brunswick,

135–38, 145, 202

Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste.

Marie Railroad (The Soo Line),


Mitchell, John, 39, 47

Molson, Edith (see Van Horne,


Montreal, Quebec, 72, 75, 127–28,

130–31, 134, 147–49, 186

Montreal’s Parks Commission, 188

Morrice, James Wilson, 149

Morse, Samuel, 14

Myers, Peter, 50, 55

Newman, Peter C., 131

Northern Pacific Railroad, 106

Onderdonk, Andrew, 71, 97, 104

Ottawa, Ontario, 88, 102

Pacific Scandal, 69, 200

Panic of 1893, 123, 187

Parker, Sir Gilbert, 140

Paterson, Robert T.G., 146

Pearson, Fred, 181

Plummer, J.H., 179

Pope, John Henry, 89, 105

Port Moody, British Columbia, 71,

73, 86–87, 104

Powell, John Wesley, 30

Price, Bruce, 100–02, 130

Quesada, Gonzalo de, 156

Railroads, American (see also indi vidual companies)

as business enterprises, 14

consolidation of, 63

expansion of, 14, 24

impact of, 14, 25

investment in, 69

technology of, 14

Riel, Louis, 91, 202

Rogers, Major A.B., 10, 75

Ross, James, 148, 150, 179, 181

Rosser, Thomas L., 74

Royal Commission on Insurance, 180

Ryan, Thomas, 161

Ryder, Albert, 149

St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 135,

147, 183, 191

St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern

Railroad, 42, 46, 55, 200

St. Louis, Missouri, 42, 200

St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba

Railway Company, 67, 70, 76

St. Paul, Minnesota, 52, 67

Saskatchewan (railway car), 99, 124,


Schreiber, Collingwood, 78, 89, 105

Secretan, J.J., 74, 79

Shaughnessy, Thomas George (later

Lord Shaughnessy), 64, 74, 91,

108–09, 116–17, 121, 124–25, 128

Shepard, David, 78

Sifton, Clifford, 122

Skinner, Thomas, 114, 120

Smith, Donald (later Lord

Strathcona), 9–10, 67, 70–71, 92,

95–96, 131

Soo Line (see Minneapolis, St. Paul &

Sault Ste. Marie Railroad)

Southern Minnesota Railroad, 47–54,


Spanish-American War, 154

Stephen, George (later Lord Mount

Stephen), 9, 65, 67–68, 70, 76,

86–91, 93, 96, 99, 103–04, 106– 109,

112, 115, 117–18, 120, 131, 193

Telegraphy, 14, 19, 24–25

Thomas, General Samuel, 157

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 149

Underwood, Frank, 63

Van Horne, Abram (grandfather), 11

Van Horne, Adaline (daughter), 38,

128–29, 133, 142–44, 199

Van Horne, Augustus Charles

(brother), 13, 17

Van Horne, Cornelius (father),

10–13, 15–16, 18, 197–98

Van Horne, Edith, 141

Van Horne, Elizabeth (sister), 12–13

Van Horne, Jan Cornelissen, 10

Van Horne, Lucy Adaline (wife),

31–33, 38, 40–42, 46–47, 53–54,

61, 63, 99, 118, 129, 132–35

Van Horne, Mary (mother), 10, 13,

15, 18, 34, 129

Van Horne, Mary (sister), 34, 55, 61,

129, 133–34, 142, 195, 199, 201

Van Horne, Richard Benedict

“Bennie” (son), 54–55, 95, 98,

129, 141–42, 150, 162, 185, 189,

193, 201

Van Horne, Theodore (brother), 13

Van Horne, William (son), 40, 54

Van Horne, William Cornelius:

in Alton, Illinois, 37–39

ancestry of, 10–11

art collecting, 147–49

birth of, 10

in Bloomington, Illinois, 28–30,


bluntness of, 74, 105, 122, 164

childhood of, 14–19

children, love of, 132, 142, 169–70

collecting as a hobby, views on, 17

corporations, view of, 174

courtship of Lucy Adaline Hurd,


death and funeral of, 195, 205

as detail-oriented, 58, 81, 164

education of, 15, 17, 19

East Selkirk estate of, 170, 182–83,


and electric street railways, 181

energy of, 24, 27, 50, 52, 58, 117,

135, 153

in England, 117, 193

fossil collection of, 16, 25, 46

gardening, as interest of, 61, 128,

health of, 117, 120, 123, 125, 153,

187, 194–95

as host, 135, 138, 139

immigration, as interest of, 85,

100, 103, 121–22

in Italy, 118

Japanese porcelain, collection of,


in Joliet, 14–17, 22, 28, 31, 190,


knighthood, 119

land settlement, views on, 104

in Milwaukee, 62–63, 201

in Montreal, 72, 127

Montreal residence, 128–30

in New York, 160, 162–63

paleontology, as interest of, 15, 25

philanthropy of, 189

physical appearance of, 23, 45, 116

politics, involvement in, 90–91

pranks, as love of, 22, 27, 45,


press coverage, 75, 78

religion, attitude towards, 18

rivalry with James Jerome Hill, 76,


in St. Louis, Missouri, 42, 46

San Zenon des Buenos Aires

(residence), 193

stock breeding, as interest of, 170,

182, 203

war, view of, 26, 193–94

in Washington, 115, 123, 160

in Winnipeg, 72–74

Van Horne, William Cornelius

Covenhoven (grandson), 136–


Vancouver, British Columbia, 87, 100

Vedder, Elizabeth (see Van Horne,


Whitman, Walt, 26

Whitney, Henry, 179

Whyte, William, 107

William Notman and Son, 86

Willison, Sir John, 122, 139

Willson, Henry Beckles, 32

Will County, Illinois, 13, 16, 26

Windsor Hotel, Montreal, 128

Windsor Station, Montreal, 100, 102,


Winnipeg, Manitoba, 72–75, 121

Wood, General Leonard, 159–60,


Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 26–30

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