Читать книгу The Jingle Book - Wells Carolyn - Страница 4

A Day Dream


Polly’s patchwork—oh, dear me!—

Truly is a sight to see.

Rumpled, crumpled, soiled, and frayed—

Will the quilt be ever made?

See the stitches yawning wide—

Can it be that Polly tried?

Some are right and some are wrong,

Some too short and some too long,

Some too loose and some too tight;

Grimy smudges on the white,

And a tiny spot of red,

Where poor Polly’s finger bled.

Strange such pretty, dainty blocks—

Bits of Polly’s summer frocks—

Should have proved so hard to sew,

And the cause of so much woe!

One day it was very hot,

And the thread got in a knot,

Drew the seam up in a heap—

Polly calmly fell asleep.

Then she had a lovely dream;

Straight and even was the seam,

Pure and spotless was the white;

All the blocks were finished quite—

Each joined to another one.

Lo, behold! the quilt was done,—

Lined and quilted,—and it seemed

To cover Polly as she dreamed!

The Jingle Book

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