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“Don’t jump, dear!”


Skyler glanced down from the tree at the crowd gathered below and frowned. They thought she wanted to do herself in! From an oak tree? She pointed at Fluffy. “I’m just getting a cat.” And she was stuck. “Stupid Fluffy,” she muttered.

“Name’s Jack, not Fluffy.” Skyler jerked her head at the sound of the deep, sensuous voice and promptly bopped her head on a thick branch.

“Hold tight,” he said, reaching his strong arms around her. “I’m tryin’ to impress my captain.”

Skyler blinked. Of course. The new firefighter her brother had mentioned last week. Another hero. But she couldn’t deny the flutter in her heart as he held her waist snugly and his bold gaze slid down her body.

When they reached the safety of the ground, Skyler gaped up at her gorgeous savior’s rugged, muscular body. Way up. There was just so darn much of him to absorb! All that…man. Whoa, baby!

He grasped her shoulder, as if to steady her. “Are you okay?”

Light-headed, she nodded slowly, the park starting to spin around her. Why me? was her last thought as she fainted dead away.

Can't Help Falling In Love

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