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Acknowledgments / viii

Introduction / 1

Beginnings / 1 Theoretical Frame: From Observation to Communication / 3 Active Bodies / 4 The Audience and Subjectivity / 6 Music as Activity / 8 Subjectivity in Action / 10 Turn On the Bright Lights6 / 11 Methodology / 14 From Plus One to A&R / 16 Your Itinerary / 19 Conclusion / 22

1. What Is “Indie”? / 25

Indie … What’s at Stake? / 27 Indie as a Mode of Distribution: An Industrial Definition / 30 Indie as a Genre / 39 Indie as an Ethos / 51 Indie as Pathetic / 53 Indie as a Mode of Aesthetic Judgement / 57 The Mainstream Is a Centralized Hierarchy / 62 Dance Is Not the Way the Future Is Meant to Feel / 69 Indie: What Is It? / 77

2. The Zones of Participation / 79

The Event / 81 Zone One / 82 The Pit / 86 The Front / 92 Zone One Spectatorship: The Initiates / 95 The Psychosomatics of Zone One / 98 Zone Two / 105 The Mode of Comportment of Zone Two / 106 Comportment Features That Vary over Space / 107 Gigs as Social Life / 109 The Process of Change from Zone One to Zone Two / 110 The Heterogeneous Audience / 114 A Move toward the Exit / 116 Conclusion / 120

3. Zone Three and the Music Industry / 122

The Activities of Zone Three / 123 The Liggers / 125 The Guest List / 128 Routine 1: Example of Professional Strategy / 132 Routine 2: Example of Personable Strategy / 133 Routine 3: Code Switch from Professional to Personable / 135 Passes / 138 Privileged Spectatorship / 151 Conclusion / 152

4. The Participant Structure and the Metaphysics of Spectatorship / 154

Proximity, Affiliation, and Consensus Building / 155 Verticality and Asymmetry / 160 Contesting Spectorial Positions: Closeness and Distance / 161 Age / 163 The Metaphysics of Participation / 166 African Expression in a Protestant World / 175 The Nature of the Moral Threat / 179 A Ritual of Transformation / 182 Conclusion / 184

5. Performance, Authenticity, and Emotion / 187

Indie’s Version of Authenticity / 188 Indie’s Conventions of Being in Performance / 192 Emotion and the Decay of Emotion / 196

6. Sex and the Ritual Practitioners / 203

Gendered Spectatorship / 204 The Groupie as Sexual Predator / 207 Indie Versus Mainstream: Groupie Troublesomeness / 212 Offstage Behavior Mirrors Onstage Spectacle / 216 Come Together / 221 Sing for the Moment / 225 The Tricksters / 228 Indie Coyotes and Foxes / 240

Afterword: My Music Is Your Dirt / 242

Appendix 1. NME’s Top 100 Albums of All Time 251

Appendix 2. NME’s Top 50 Albums of the 1980s 255

Appendix 3. Select Magazine Survey, 1994 257

Notes 261

References 289

Index 309

Empire of Dirt

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