Читать книгу Rent-to-Own: How to Find Rent-to-Own Homes NOW While Rebuilding Your Credit - Wendy Patton - Страница 3



This book is dedicated to all of the buyers in North America that want to buy their first home or next home, but just can’t do it. Unfortunately, the mortgage industry has changed along with the economy. It is affecting and squeezing everyone in our country. I congratulate you for picking up this book and researching how you can be a home owner in the near future. Home ownership is within your reach if you really want it.

I want to give special thanks to so many people that helped me with this book. Kathleen Woodward, Thanks for helping rewrite this book! To my husband, Michael, who has to put up without me during the years I spent writing books. I appreciate you so much.

To Your Success

Wendy Patton

Rent-to-Own: How to Find Rent-to-Own Homes NOW While Rebuilding Your Credit

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