Читать книгу Mother Goose for Grown Folks - Whitney Adeline Dutton Train - Страница 15
Оглавление"Sing a song o' sixpence, a pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie:
When the pie was opened, they all began to sing,
And was n't this a dainty dish to set before the king?
The king was in his counting-house, counting out his money;
The queen was in the parlor, eating bread and honey;
The maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes,
And along came a blackbird, and nipt off her nose!"
It doesn't take a conjurer to see
The sort of curious pasty this might be;
A flock of flying rumors, caught alive,
And housed, like swarming bees within a
Instead of what were far more wisely
Having their worthless necks wrung, every
And so a dish of dainty gossip making,
Smooth covered with a show of secrecy,
That one but takes the pleasant pains of
And out the wide-mouthed knaves pop,
Blackbirds, indeed! Each chattering on-
Comes forth, full feathered, black as black
can be;
With quivering throats, all tremulous to
And please, forsooth, some little social
Whose reign may last as long as he is able
To call his court around a dinner-table.