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The research and writing of this book has incurred countless obligations. Indispensable support was provided by Capt. M. H. Eppes, USN (Ret.); Capt. Frederick N. Klein Jr., USN (Ret.); Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Moccia; and Lt. Cdr. James M. Punderson, USN (Ret.), all of whom made available personal papers and offered suggestions. Captains Eppes and Klein also submitted to in-depth interviews then, later, reviewed selected draft chapters. Dr. Douglas H. Robinson also reviewed several chapters and provided important information and counsel.

I am grateful to Rear Adm. Calvin M. Bolster, USN (Ret.); Capt. Howard N. Coulter, USN (Ret.); Lt. Herbert R. Rowe, USN (Ret.); and Capt. George F. Watson, USN (Ret.) for their written statements, interview information, and images.

Cdr. Walter D. Ashe, USN (Ret.); Lt. Cdr. William A. Baker, USN (Ret.); Capt. Maurice M. Bradley, USN (Ret.); CPO Moody Erwin, USN (Ret.); Rear Adm. Harold B. Miller, USN (Ret.); Lt. David F. Patzig, USN (Ret.); the late Rear Adm. George E. Pierce, USN (Ret.); Cdr. Robert Shannon, USN (Ret.); Lt. Cdr. Leonard E. Schellberg, USN (Ret.), and Mrs. Schellberg; and the late Capt. Earl K. Van Swearingen, USN (Ret.), provided useful materials and agreed to audio interviews.

Other individuals also provided recorded information. Among these were Rear Adm. Richard S. Andrews, USN (Ret.); Mr. Kurt Bauch; AMCS Daniel Brady, USN (Ret.); Mr. Melvin J. Cranmer; Mrs. Elsie C. Harwood; Cdr. Harry J. Heuster, USN (Ret.); Mr. Charles Kauffman; Mr. Douglas Leigh; the late Cdr. Joseph P. Norfleet, USN (Ret.); Mr. Jack R. Poppele; Mr. Paul G. Richter; Cdr. John B. Rieker, USN (Ret.); Lt. Charles M. Ruth, USN (Ret); Rear Adm. Leroy C. Simpler, USN (Ret.); the late Lt. Cdr. Frederick J. Tobin, USN (Ret.); Mr. F. W. “Willy” von Meister; Mr. Frank Wainwright; and Cdr. Richard W. Widdicombe, USN (Ret.).

Thanks to Mr. Winfield E. Fromm for materials relative to the development of magnetic airborne detection equipment, and to Dr. David C. Hazen for information regarding Princeton University’s “flying wind tunnel” project. Mr. Raymond F. Burd Jr. provided rare views of the Lakehurst Proving Ground. Mrs. Frederick J. Tobin graciously offered images from her late husband’s files. Mr. Clark L. Bunnell provided records relative to employment at Lakehurst during the 1930s. Capt. Harold B. Van Gorder, USN (Ret.), forwarded a copy of his report on the 1958 expedition by ZPG-2 into the Canadian Arctic. Mr. Charles L. Keller graciously loaned his notes compiled from research in the National Archives and in the Garland Fulton Papers.

The late Vice Adm. T. G. W. “Tex” Settle, USN (Ret.), submitted to an extensive correspondence and is an inspiration to the author. Thanks are due to the staff at the History of Aviation Collection, University of Texas at Dallas, for their assistance in the incomparable C. E. Rosendahl Collection, especially to Mr. Michael R. Quinn and Robert Kopitzke, curators. Mr. Marvin A. Krieger helped with collection images. Special mention is due Cdr. Charles A. Mills, USN (Ret.), and Rear Adm. Carl J. Seiberlich, USN (Ret.); each provided verbal progress reports concerning the naval airship program. As well, Commander Mills loaned invaluable documents and images, as did Cdr. Richard W. Widdicombe, USN (Ret.).

Others who provided useful materials were Mr. Henry J. Applegate; Mr. Don Brandemeuhl; Mrs. William F. Bucher; Mr. William W. Chapman; Mr. Barry J. Countryman; Lt. Gordon M. Cousins, USN (Ret.); Cdr. Richard E. Deal, USN (Ret.); Mr. James D. Dowd; Mr. Michael S. Fedosh; ADC Charles Gidrites, USN (Ret.); ADC John A. Iannaccone, USN (Ret.); ADC John A. Lust, USN (Ret.); Mr. Edgar L. Moore; Mr. Kevin Pace; Rear Adm. Scott E. Peck, USN (Ret.); Capt. Charles W. Roland, USN (Ret.); Mr. Ian Ross; Mr. David Smith; and Mr. Richard G. Van Treuren (Naval Airship Association).

Dr. Richard K. Smith assisted the author with research advice. Mr. I. “Butch” Grossman provided special advice and was more helpful than he could know. Mr. James R. Shock provided a wealth of documents. Dr. A. D. Topping (the Lighter-Than-Air Society) also was very helpful.

The author’s oral history research was supported, in part, by generous grants from the New Jersey Historical Commission in 1975, 1996, and 1999.

This book is the product of decades of research. Inevitably in a project of this scope, dozens of individuals assisted in a host of ways. I am grateful to each, including those whose names I may have omitted. All served to make this book better than it would have been otherwise.

Finally, mention is due several individuals. Thanks to Rick Russell, director, Naval Institute Press, and to Susan Todd Brook, senior acquisitions editor, this work (revised and updated) is again in print. With respect to the book’s superb production, the talents of Emily Bakely, senior production editor, and that of Maryam Rostamian, designer and compositor, must be acknowledged. Janis Jorgensen, lead archivist at the institute, provided valuable assistance. The hospitality of Capt. Robert D. McWethy, USN (Ret.), meant more than he can know. At the eleventh hour, Quentin Fleming, Rick Peuser (NARA), and Richard Van Treuren (Naval Airship Assoc.) lent yeoman’s service. And, as always, Penny was supportive, patient, and understanding.

Sky Ships

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