Читать книгу New Daily Study Bible: The Revelation of John 1 - William Barclay - Страница 6
Series Foreword (by Ronnie Barclay)
General Introduction (by William Barclay, 1975)
General Foreword (by John Drane)
Editor’s Preface (by Linda Foster)
Introduction to the Revelation of John
The Means of God’s Revelation (1:1–3) (contd)
Servants of God (1:1–3) (contd)
Those who are Blessed (1:1–3) (contd)
The Message and its Destination (1:4–6)
The Blessing and its Source (1:4–6) (contd)
The Sevenfold Spirit (1:4–6) (contd)
The Titles of Jesus (1:4–6) (contd)
What Jesus did for us (1:4–6) (contd)
The God in whom we Trust (1:8)
Through Tribulation to the Kingdom (1:9)
The Island of Banishment (1:9) (contd)
In the Spirit on the Lord’s Day (1:10–11)
The Divine Messenger (1:12–13)
The Picture of the Risen Christ (1:14–19)
The Titles of the Risen Lord (1) (1:14–19) (contd)
The Titles of the Risen Lord (2) (1:14–19) (contd)
The Churches and their Angels (1:20)
Ephesus: First and Greatest (2:1–7) (contd)
Ephesus: Christ and his Church (2:1–7) (contd)
Ephesus: When Orthodoxy Costs too Much (2:1–7) (contd)
Ephesus: The Steps on the Return Journey (2:1–7) (contd)
Ephesus: A Ruinous Heresy (2:1–7) (contd)
Ephesus: The Great Reward (2:1–7) (contd)
Smyrna: The Crown of Asia (2:8–11) (contd)
Smyrna: Under Trial (2:8–11) (contd)
Smyrna: The Cause of the Trouble (2:8–11) (contd)
Smyrna: Christ’s Claim and Christ’s Demand (2:8–11) (contd)
Smyrna: The Promised Reward (2:8–11) (contd)
The Letter to Pergamum (2:12–17)
Pergamum: The Seat of Satan (2:12–17) (contd)
Pergamum: A Very Difficult Engagement (2:12–17) (contd)
Pergamum: The Doom of Error (2:12–17) (contd)
Pergamum: The Bread of Heaven (2:12–17) (contd)
Pergamum: The White Stone and the New Name (2:12–17) (contd)
Pergamum: Renamed by God (2:12–17) (contd)
The Letter to Thyatira (2:18–29)
Thyatira: The Peril of Compromise (2:18–29) (contd)
Thyatira: The State of the Church in Thyatira (2:18–29) (contd)
Thyatira: The Source of the Error (2:18–29) (contd)
Thyatira: The Teaching of Jezebel (1) (2:18–29) (contd)
Thyatira: The Teaching of Jezebel (2) (2:18–29) (contd)
Thyatira: Promises and Threats (2:18–29) (contd)
Sardis: Past Splendour and Present Decay (3:1–6) (contd)
Sardis: Death in Life (3:1–6) (contd)
Sardis: A Lifeless Church (3:1–6) (contd)
Sardis: Watch! (3:1–6) (contd)
Sardis: The Imperatives of the Risen Lord (3:1–6) (contd)
Sardis: The Faithful Few (3:1–6) (contd)
Sardis: The Threefold Promise (3:1–6) (contd)
The Letter to Philadelphia (3:7–13)
Philadelphia: City of Praise (3:7–13) (contd)
Philadelphia: Titles and Claims (3:7–13) (contd)
Philadelphia: The Open Door (3:7–13) (contd)
Philadelphia: Inheritors of the Promise (3:7–13) (contd)
Philadelphia: Those who Keep are Kept (3:7–13) (contd)
Philadelphia: Promise and Warning (3:7–13) (contd)
Philadelphia: Many Promises (3:7–13) (contd)
The Letter to Laodicea (3:14–22)
Laodicea: The Church Condemned (3:14–22) (contd)
Laodicea: The Claims of Christ (3:14–22) (contd)
Laodicea: Neither One Thing nor Another (3:14–22) (contd)
Laodicea: The Wealth that is Poverty (3:14–22) (contd)
Laodicea: Disciplined out of Love (3:14–22) (contd)
Laodicea: The Christ who Knocks (3:14–22) (contd)
This Means You (3:14–22) (contd)
The Opening Heavens and the Opening Door (4:1)
The Four Living Creatures (1) (4:6b–8)
The Four Living Creatures (2) (4:6b–8) (contd)
The Symbolism of the Living Creatures (4:6b–8) (contd)
The Song of Praise (4:6b–8) (contd)
God, the Lord and Creator (4:9–11)
The Roll in the Hand of God (5:1)
The Lion of Judah and the Root of David (5:5)
The Prayers of the Saints (5:8)
The Song of the Living Creatures and of the Elders (5:9–10)