Читать книгу The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México - William Edward Duellman - Страница 4
ОглавлениеWhile engaged in the study of the herpetofauna of Michoacán I have built up a debt of gratitude to many individuals, without whose aid my ambition to complete my study never would have been realized. I am especially grateful to those individuals who accompanied me in the field; Lee D. Beatty, Richard E. Etheridge, Carter R. Gilbert, Fred G. Thompson, Jerome Tulecke, and John Wellman offered stimulating companionship and valuable assistance. On many occasions they suffered hardships on behalf of my interests.
Studies of my own specimens have been augmented by material from other institutions. For permitting me to examine specimens in their care I am indebted to W. Frank Blair, Charles M. Bogert, Doris M. Cochran, William B. Davis, James R. Dixon, the late Emmett R. Dunn, Josef Eiselt, Alice G. C. Grandison, Norman Hartweg, Robert F. Inger, Arthur Loveridge, the late Karl P. Schmidt, Hobart M. Smith, Robert C. Stebbins, Margaret Storey, Edward H. Taylor, and Richard G. Zweifel.
Several people have aided me in the study of specimens and in the analysis of data; I am grateful to Donald D. Brand, who first introduced me to Michoacán; since that time I have benefited much from his knowledge of the area. James A. Peters provided me with essential information concerning his field work in southern Michoacán in 1950. James R. Dixon and Floyd L. Downs have permitted me to use freely the material and data that they accumulated in their recent field work in Michoacán. Norman E. Hartweg allowed me to use the specimens and data that he gathered in his survey of the herpetofauna in the region of Volcán Parícutin. L. C. Stuart, Charles F. Walker, and Richard G. Zweifel have helped in unraveling some of the systematic and distributional problems.
I am especially grateful to my wife, Ann, who for six months helped me track down elusive species and explore new areas. Furthermore, she has stimulated me to carry this study to completion.
Many people in Michoacán favored the field parties with quarters, transportation, and valuable information, which greatly facilitated the field work. In this respect I am especially indebted to Ingeniero Ruben Erbina of Ingenieros Civiles Asociados, who not only let us use his home as our headquarters, but through a letter of introduction gave us the "key" to southern Michoacán. Ingeniero Pedro Tonda aided us in Arteaga and San Salvador. Ingeniero Anastacio Peréz Alfaro of the Comisión Tepalcatepec in Uruapan provided the latest maps of southern Michoacán and much essential information pertaining to travel conditions in the area. Señor Nefty Mendoza gave us a home in Dos Aguas; this kindness allowed us to work in this interesting region during the height of the rainy season. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomas let us make use of their facilities at Hacienda Zirimícuaro. The naval officers at the Estación Marina at Playa Azul made pleasant what might have been a dreadful stay in that small coastal village. To the managers and pilots of Lineas Aereas Picho in Uruapan I owe special thanks for going out of their way on more than one occasion to transport a stranded snake-hunter. Throughout the months of field work beginning in 1955 I constantly have been aided by the authorities and workers of the Comisión Tepalcatepec, a subdivision of the Secretaria de Caminos y Obras Publicas, and of the private corporation, Ingenieros Civiles Asociados. Much of the field work in Michoacán was made possible only through the co-operation of the natives who supplied mules, acted as guides, and aided in the collection of specimens. I have learned a great deal from these people. They will never see this report. Their work as guides, muleteers, and collectors greatly assisted me with the mountains of equipment that had to be piled on the backs of scrawny mules for transportation to places where the natives seldom trod. Their efforts in behalf of Don Guillermo never will be forgotten; I extend an especially hearty muchas gracias to Benjamin, Ignacio, Jesús, Lorenzo, Mariano, and Remigio.
Much of the work on this report was done while I was associated with the Museum of Zoology at the University of Michigan. I thank Norman E. Hartweg and T. H. Hubbell for making available to me the facilities of the museum and for their numerous courtesies that aided me so much.
My field work in Michoacán was supported by the Museum of Zoology at the University of Michigan (1951), by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies of the University of Michigan (1955), by the Penrose Fund of the American Philosophical Society (1956), by the Bache Fund of the National Academy of Sciences (1958), and by the University of Kansas Endowment Association (1960).
Permits for collecting specimens in México were provided by the Dirección General de Caza through the courtesy of Ing. Juan Lozano Franco and Luis Macías Arellano.