Читать книгу Civil Government of Virginia - William Fayette Fox - Страница 16
Оглавление1. In whom is the legislative power of the commonwealth vested?
2. What is the legislative power?
3. Define commonwealth.
4. What is a delegate?
5. How many members constitute the Senate?
6. What are senatorial districts, and how many are there in the State?
7. Who is the presiding officer of the Senate?
8. For how long are senators elected?
9. What are the qualifications of a senator?
10. What are the powers of the Senate?
11. What does impeachment mean?
12. Who tries a case of impeachment?
13. How many members of the House of Delegates?
14. Define statute.
15. For how long are members of the House of Delegates elected?
16. What are the qualifications of delegates?
17. What are the powers of delegates?
18. Define apportioned.
19. What is the chairman of the House of Delegates called?
20. What are the rolls, and by whom are they kept?
21. What does the General Assembly consist of?
22. How often are the sessions of the General Assembly held?
23. What is a special session?
24. What are the powers of the General Assembly?
25. What officers does it elect?
26. What is legislation?
27. What are contests in elections of governor and lieutenant- governor, and who decides them?
28. What is meant by each house being judge of the election, qualifications, and returns of its members?
29. What are election returns?
30. Define civil process.
31. What is perjury?
32. What is contempt of court?
33. What are the salaries of the officers and members of the Assembly?
34. What is mileage?
35. What is a bill?
36. Tell how a bill becomes a law.
37. What is a committee?
38. Define amendment.