1 | S. Peter's Chains. SS. Maccabees, MM. |
2 | S. Stephen, Pope and M. S. Chrocan. |
3 | Finding of S. Stephen's Relics. |
4 | † S. Dominick, Conf. S. Launus, Ab. |
5 | Dedication of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Nives. |
6 | Transfiguration of our Lord. SS. Xystus, Pope, Felicissimus, &c. Martyrs. |
7 | † S. Cajetan, Confessor. S. Donatus, Martyr. |
8 | SS. Cariacus, Largus, and Smaragdus, MM. |
9 | S. Romanus, Martyr. S. Nathy, Bp. and C. S. Fidlimid, Bp. and C. Vigil. |
10 | S. Laurence, M. with an Octave. S. Blan, Bp. |
11 | SS. Tiberius and Susanna, Martyrs. |
12 | † S. Clare, Virgin. S. Muredach Bp. and C. |
13 | SS. Hypolitus and Cassianus, Martyrs. |
14 | S. Eusebius, Conf. S. Fachanan, Ab. Vigil. Fast. |
15 | Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with an Oct. |
16 | S. Hyacinth, Conf. |
17 | Octave of S. Laurence. |
18 | S. Agapetus, Mart. S. Degha, Bp. S. Helen, Empress. |
19 | SS. Timothy, &c. MM. |
20 | S. Bernard, Abbot. |
21 | S. Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow. |
22 | Octave of the Assumption |
23 | S. Philip Beniti, Conf. S. Eugenius, B. Vigil. |
24 | S. Bartholomew, Apost. |
25 | S. Lewis IX. King of France, Confessor. |
26 | S. Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr. |
27 | † S. Joseph Calasanctius, Confessor. |
28 | † S. Augustine, B. C. and D. S. Hermes. M. |
29 | Decollation of S. John Baptist. S. Sabina, M. |
30 | S. Fiaker, Conf. S. Rose of Lima, Virgin. |
31 | S. Raymund Nonnatus, Conf. S. Aidan, Bp. S. Joachim, on Sunday within the Octave of the Assumption. |