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August, 31 Days.

1 S. Peter's Chains. SS. Maccabees, MM.
2 S. Stephen, Pope and M. S. Chrocan.
3 Finding of S. Stephen's Relics.
4 † S. Dominick, Conf. S. Launus, Ab.
5 Dedication of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Nives.
6 Transfiguration of our Lord. SS. Xystus, Pope, Felicissimus, &c. Martyrs.
7 † S. Cajetan, Confessor. S. Donatus, Martyr.
8 SS. Cariacus, Largus, and Smaragdus, MM.
9 S. Romanus, Martyr. S. Nathy, Bp. and C. S. Fidlimid, Bp. and C. Vigil.
10 S. Laurence, M. with an Octave. S. Blan, Bp.
11 SS. Tiberius and Susanna, Martyrs.
12 † S. Clare, Virgin. S. Muredach Bp. and C.
13 SS. Hypolitus and Cassianus, Martyrs.
14 S. Eusebius, Conf. S. Fachanan, Ab. Vigil. Fast.
15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with an Oct.
16 S. Hyacinth, Conf.
17 Octave of S. Laurence.
18 S. Agapetus, Mart. S. Degha, Bp. S. Helen, Empress.
19 SS. Timothy, &c. MM.
20 S. Bernard, Abbot.
21 S. Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow.
22 Octave of the Assumption
23 S. Philip Beniti, Conf. S. Eugenius, B. Vigil.
24 S. Bartholomew, Apost.
25 S. Lewis IX. King of France, Confessor.
26 S. Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr.
27 † S. Joseph Calasanctius, Confessor.
28 † S. Augustine, B. C. and D. S. Hermes. M.
29 Decollation of S. John Baptist. S. Sabina, M.
30 S. Fiaker, Conf. S. Rose of Lima, Virgin.
31 S. Raymund Nonnatus, Conf. S. Aidan, Bp. S. Joachim, on Sunday within the Octave of the Assumption.
The Complete Manual of Catholic Piety

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