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The Director: “Are there any questions?”

The Director endeavors to answer any questions that may be asked.

Approach March and Deployment Card No. 1

Director’s Key

1. Conduct the class to (e) where the Terrain exercise is to begin.

2. Distribute the sheets containing Special Situation, Blue, read and explain.

3. Meaning of Sector; attacking brigade; attack formations—brigades side by side; regiments side by side; attacking brigade and reserve brigade—tandem; formation of 19th brigade.

4. Distribute sheets containing Situation No. 1, read and explain.

5. Approach march and deployment; importance of; necessity for training; training programs; failure of battalion to jump off.

6. Visualize formation of 1st Battalion. Point out relative location of units.

7. Estimate of situation; mission; enemy; own troops; terrain plans of operation; decision.

8. Order: Information of Enemy and own troops (Refer to copy of order to be submitted as solution in bringing out points of order. Make discussion along lines of solution). Plan of commander. Orders for each unit. Put in paragraph (x). Administrative arrangements. Location of C. P. Review the paragraphs of the order.

9. Have class write out order on pads.

10. Distribute sheets containing the solution (copy of Order). Read and explain. Have members of class compare their order with the solution.

11. Explain subsequent actions of Major A.

Terrain Exercises

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