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Gertrude Rosworm


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HER presence seemed to light up the little room. A lovely blonde with the fairest tresses, and the tenderest blue eyes imaginable. A glance from those blue eyes possessed an almost resistless witchery. Figure slight and symmetrical. She was simply, yet very becomingly attired. On her head she wore a coverchief, her flaxen locks were wholly unconfined, and allowed to flow over her shoulders. A kerchief covered her neck; a girdle, totally destitute of ornament, spanned her slender waist; and her gown, worn long enough to conceal her small feet, was made of the plainest stuff. No ornament whatever.

As she entered the room, the governor rose to salute her. Though he passed no compliments upon her looks, he did not attempt to conceal his admiration.

"What dost thou want with me, child?" inquired Rosworm, regarding her with a look of affection, not unmingled with pride—for the engineer was very proud of his lovely daughter.

"There is a young man without, father, who desires to speak with you, when you are at leisure," replied Gertrude.

"Dost know him?" demanded Rosworm.

"I neither know him, nor did he tell me his business, father," she replied. "He is a stranger. But he looks a gentle youth."

"Hum!" exclaimed Rosworm. "I warrant me he hath a simpering smile like some of the lack-brains who haunt my door."

"He does not resemble the young men of Manchester, father," replied Gertrude.

At this rejoinder the governor laughed heartily.

"Did he not give thee his name?"

"No, father," she replied. "He said he was merely a messenger."

"Bid him be seated. I will speak with him anon," rejoined Rosworm.

"He will not be displeased to wait if you will bear him company, fair damsel," laughed the governor, as Gertrude went forth.

Decidedly, the messenger was a very handsome young man, and could not be a Roundhead, since his long brown locks fell upon his shoulders; nor was it easy to determine his rank from his plain riding-dress, but it must be owned that he had the air of a Cavalier.

"Pray be seated, sir," said Gertrude. "My father will see you presently. The governor of the town is with him."

"I can wait his leisure," replied the messenger.

And he then made a few remarks calculated to engage her in conversation; his manner being so respectful that she could not fail to be pleased with him.

"You are from Germany, I conclude—nay, I am certain," he said. "How do you like this town after the fine old cities of your own country?"

"Not much," she replied. "And I should be glad to go back to Nuremberg, where I was born, but I must remain here with my father."

"Then you will not care if the town is besieged?" remarked the young man.

"No, I am a soldier's daughter, and accustomed to fighting. I have been taught to fire a musket, and can hit the target as well as most marksmen. Besides, I am not altogether unskilled in the use of the sword."

"Being thus accomplished, 'tis a pity you cannot serve the king," observed the messenger.

"My father has entered into an engagement with the Parliament," she replied.

"But your own sympathies are with the Royalists?" he cried quickly. "I am sure of it."

"It is not prudent, or proper, to make such observations in this house," she remarked with some significance.

"I will trust you," he said. "Nay, more, I think you will aid me. Listen, I pray you," he said, altering his tone. "I am sent to purchase your father's services at any price for the king. You will understand that I have full authority to make this offer when I tell you that I am one of Lord Derby's officers—Frank Standish."

"I counsel you not to make the offer to my father," said Gertrude. "He will regard it as an affront. His own feelings are in favour of the king, but he will never desert the Parliament."

"Cannot you induce him to do so, fair damsel?" besought Standish.

"I shall not make the attempt," she replied. "Take my advice and leave the town as quickly as you can. Colonel Holland, the governor, is with my father, and should he discover who you are, he will infallibly cause your arrest. Ah! here they come! You are too late."

This exclamation was uttered as the door of the inner room opened, and Rosworm came forth with the governor.

"Is this the young man who desires to speak with me?" demanded Rosworm.

"It is, father," replied Gertrude, with some hesitation.

"Do you know who he is?" remarked Colonel Holland.

Rosworm shook his head.

"Then I will tell you," replied the governor. "It is one of the Earl of Derby's officers—Captain Standish. You cannot hold any communication with him."

"Certainly not," replied Rosworm. "You have come here on a bootless errand, sir," he added to Standish. "I can receive no message from the Earl of Derby."

"Then I need trouble you no further," replied the other, preparing to depart.

"Stay!" exclaimed Colonel Holland. "Have you a safe-conduct?"

"I have, sir," replied Standish, producing a paper.

"Let me look at it," said the governor.

The young man handed it to him.

After glancing at the passport, Colonel Holland returned it, and said in a stern tone:

"You are free to depart. But quit the town at once, or you will be treated as a spy."

"When I next appear, it will be to summon you in the king's name to surrender," said Standish.

And with a haughty bow to the governor he quitted the house.

"I think I ought to have ordered his arrest," observed Colonel Holland.

"You did better to let him go," rejoined Rosworm. "He will tell Lord Derby that we are prepared. Besides, he had a safe-conduct."

"True," said the governor.

Gertrude made no remark, but she was evidently well pleased that the young man had got off.

Meanwhile, Frank Standish pursued his way along a narrow street that skirted the churchyard, and led him to the top of Smithy Bank, whence he could distinguish the bridge across the Irwell, and noticed that it was strongly defended by posts and chains. He also remarked that a guard was stationed at the upper end of the bridge.

He did not stop to make any further observations; perceiving that his movements were watched, and that he was an object of suspicion to several of the townspeople whom he encountered.

As he proceeded towards Deansgate, he caught sight of the mud-walls with which Colonel Rosworm had surrounded the town. The ramparts were about ten or twelve feet high, and proportionately thick, and no doubt would completely shelter the musketeers stationed behind them.

At the bottom of Market-street Lane, there was an outlet to Acres Fields, and this was protected by posts and chains. In Deansgate a barricade was erected. Externally, the fortifications ran round this part of the town.

Frank Standish having already exhibited his safe-conduct from Sir Edward Mosley to the guard stationed at the barricade, was permitted to quit the town without any hindrance.

The Leaguer Of Lathom

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