Читать книгу History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States - William Horatio Barnes - Страница 6

CHAPTER III.—Formation of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction.


(Page 33–49.)

Lack of Excitement—Cause—The Resolution—Dilatory

Motions—Yeas and Nays—Proposed Amendments in the

Senate—Debate in the Senate—Mr. Howard—Mr. Anthony

—Mr. Doolittle—Mr. Fessenden—Mr. Saulsbury—Mr.

Hendricks—Mr. Trumbull—Mr. Guthrie—Passage of the

Resolution in the Senate—Yeas and Nays—Remarks of Mr.

Stevens on the Amendment of the Senate—Concurrence of the

House—The Committee appointed.

History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States

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