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Basics of Hypnosis and Trance


The actual definition of hypnosis is a non-drug induced state, where the subject is highly focused and the subconscious mind is not hindered by the conscious mind.

As we briefly touched on in the introduction, the conscious mind is typically the gatekeeper for the unconscious mind and there is no way to get directly to the subconscious without going through the conscious mind.

Hypnosis allows the hypnotist to access the subconscious without actually going through the conscious mind; it is a shortcut to the subconscious if you will.

All of our thought and actions stem from our thoughts, so it goes to reason that what goes on in the background of our thinking is important, even if we do not really know what is going on in our subconscious, but it drives our actions and thoughts.

Our subconscious thoughts are the driving force, the influencing force for our forward thinking, or our conscious thinking, and our actions.

A good example of conscious/subconscious thinking and how it affects us is by watching a movie, when you are watching a movie and a funny part happens, you laugh.

You do not give any thought to wanting to laugh, but your subconscious mind tells you that something is funny and your body reacts to it by laughing.

The same with a sad movie, you will cry or suddenly feel very sad while watching a sad part and even though you can try to fight it, you might still cry while watching a movie.

In the same way, our subconscious mind will direct us during the day; it governs our reactions, our actions, our emotions, and our words.

Now, we can change our subconscious, for example, by turning a negative attitude into a positive one, by making efforts to change our conscious thinking so diligently that our subconscious will follow, but for anybody who has tried that, it takes a lot of work, and a lot of patience, but it works.

Hypnosis, through the use of the hypnotic trance is the shortcut to the subconscious, which is why it is so useful for self-improvement, fixing bad habits, overcoming phobias, etc.

The suggestibility of the subject in the trance will allow the hypnotist to guide the subject, through suggestions planted directly into the subconscious, which will help the subject reach their goal, or achieve what they want to achieve.

It is a way to make changes in the subconscious that will carry through to the subject’s actions without having to have had to go through the conscious mind first.

It terms of self-help or improvement, negative actions and thoughts can be replaced with positive ones, direct to the subconscious, without the conscious mind acting as a gatekeeper and only allowing certain things in.

The hypnotic state is the best way to induce positive changes in people who are trying to better their lives because they do not have to rationalize everything through their subconscious, as if they would if they were not in the trance state.

The same idea is used for street hypnosis or for entertainment purposes, the hypnotist will put the subjects into a trance and then using suggestions that go directly to the subject’s subconscious, which is why the subject will react to the words that the hypnotist uses, responding to suggestions of sensations, smells, feelings and suggested actions at certain triggers.

The principals and techniques are the same for both kinds of hypnosis, so what you will be reading about in this book will apply to both, no matter which type of hypnosis you want to use.

Hypnotic trance is actually easy to induce; you might be surprised to hear that you yourself have probably been self-hypnotized at some point.

You know that state where you are doing something and you tune out, going on autopilot and suddenly you become aware again and realize that time has just flown by.

That is a form of hypnosis. Now that you have a better grasp of what hypnosis is, we will begin with going into how to put others, and ever yourself into a hypnotic state.

A key element for all hypnotists is confidence. If you do not appear confident and in control, you will be unable to hypnotize anybody, because they will sense any lack of confidence or insecurities that you have about your ability.

You have to not just be confident, but you must appear confident! Hypnosis all balances on your ability to persuade the subject to enter trance and then you can work with them from there.

You have seen stage hypnotists, they are showy and flashy and they talk and act with flair, and a touch of arrogance.

That is what you should be doing, even if you do not feel confident, act as if you are.

Your voice must be strong, you must make eye contact, and you must be in control of the situation.

Use visualization to boost your confidence, stand tall and talk loudly, make yourself be heard, that is your goal, to be heard.

If nervous, do not show it because your volunteers and audience will pick up on it, you will be unable to establish rapport, you will unable to establish a trance state with your subjects and indeed, lack of confidence and a bad case of nerves are usually the downfall of most beginning hypnotists.

How to Hypnotize Anyone Effectively: Unlocking the Secrets of Mind Control and Hypnosis

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