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When you’re a beginner in photography, the prospect of traveling and exploring a new place can be electrifying. Exploring any city for the first time is an exhilarating experience, particularly for photographers. There’s so much to do and see that each moment seems precious. As is the case with any trip, you need to have a proper travel itinerary and ensure that you have the necessary resources available so that you don’t miss out on certain aspects.

For wildlife photographers, planning a trip can be different, and even more challenging, when heading out to a place like Alaska. If you’re exploring photography in Alaska for the first time then this eBook is for you. Written specifically for this purpose, join me as I share my experience in wildlife photography in Alaska. From tried and tested photography tips to helpful pointers on the photography equipment you’ll need; you can find all the information you require to help you in your Alaskan adventure.

Keep in mind that beginners to wildlife photography in Alaska are strongly advised to visit in the summer months. Until, and unless, you have indulged in wildlife photography in cold climates, it is not advisable to begin in winter. Alaska’s temperatures can easily drop to subzero temperatures, and there is a real risk of frost bite, landslides, avalanches and hypothermia associated with it. In such challenging weather and terrain, one small mistake can be the difference between life, serious injury, and even death. The experience is no less challenging in the summer months, but the weather is less harsh and you can also explore more areas with ease. While it is never possible to visit all the areas in Alaska in just one trip, I’ve taken the time to highlight which ones to consider visiting when you’re heading there for the first time. The pull of the wild is strong and magnetic in Alaska, and I can guarantee that you will come back here again and again.

Alaska’s terrain is renowned for being tough and hardy. This book can help you easily learn and understand various survival skills that will be crucial to keeping you safe and alive. As a bonus, this eBook also includes various high-quality photographs that I have amassed over the years indulging in wildlife photography. So, if you’re ready to explore the wilderness of Alaska and capture the untamable beauty here, start preparing for your journey with the help of this eBook.

Unveiling Alaska

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