Читать книгу Abnormal Psychology - William J. Ray - Страница 60

From the Past to the Present


In light of the history discussed thus far, mental illness has been considered from two perspectives. The first perspective involves the devil or supernatural forces. This was seen in the worldview of early humans in which rituals were performed. It was also the perspective of the Church, especially in the Middle Ages. Rituals were performed to remove the demon from the person, which rarely benefited the individual. Even today, some churches offer forms of exorcism. This perspective is largely based on magic. The second perspective is that of psychology and physiology in a broad sense. This perspective uses research and the sciences to understand what mechanisms lead to mental disorders. Treatment involves the manipulation of these mechanisms through psychotropic medications and psychotherapy. The discovery of psychotropic medications greatly changed treatment of mental illness around the world. As noted in the previous LENS, these drugs allowed for individuals to live in a more independent manner. Throughout this book, I will describe the medications used to treat the major mental disorders.

Concept Check

 What major advances in our knowledge of the brain and nervous system were made during the 1600s and 1700s?

 The research of John Hughlings Jackson has contributed much to our understanding of the brain. Describe his concepts of localization of function, three levels of the brain, and hierarchical integration through inhibitory control.

 What are the primary aspects of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution? How might those processes be reflected in psychopathology?

 What did Jean-Martin Charcot mean by the terms symptoms, signs, and syndromes? How did they help bring organization to an understanding of neurological disorders that is still used today?

 Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following: Large institutions for treating the mentally ill should be closed and all treatment given in the community. Choose one side of the debate, and present evidence for your position.

Abnormal Psychology

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