Читать книгу Across the Vatna Jökull; or, Scenes in Iceland - William Lord Watts - Страница 3



Table of Contents

Having traversed several parts of Iceland concerning which nothing has hitherto been known, I have ventured to publish the few following pages, giving an account of my journey across the Vatna Jökull, and my visit to the volcanoes in the North of Iceland.

W. L. W.


Table of Contents

No. 1. Mount Paul—.
No. 2. The Öskjugjá 88
Map of Iceland To face page 1
Map of the Author’s Routes from Núpstað to Reikjahlíð 45


Table of Contents

Page 11, line 16, for A.M., read P.M.
26, lines 1 and 5, for zoolites, read zeolites.
27, line 2, omit comma after Paul.
29, 26, for 12 A.M., read midday.
30, 14, for laid, read lay.
35, 12, after Fahrenheit, omit of frost.
58, 18, for laid, read lay.
100, 22, for meat, read feet.

London, Longmans & Co.

Edwd. Weller, Litho. Red Lion Square.


Across the Vatna Jökull; or, Scenes in Iceland

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