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1. de Coulanges, Fustel. La cité antique^7 (1879).

2. Busolt, G. Die griechischen Staats- und Rechtsaltertümer,2 (1892). In Müller's Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, IV, 1.

3. Schömann-Lipsius. Griechische Alterthümer,4 II (1892).

4. Francotte, H. La Polis grecque (1907).

5. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von. Staat und Gesellschaft der Griechen (1910). In Hinneberg's Die Kultur der Gegenwart. Teil II, Abteilung IV, 1.

6. Zimmern, Alfred. The Greek Commonwealth (1911).

7. Keil, Bruno. Griechische Staatsaltertümer (1912). In Gercke and Norden's Einleitung in die Altertumswissenschaft, pp. 297 ff.


Table of Contents

[1] A History of the Eastern Roman Empire, pp. 319 f.

[2] Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1912, vol. cx, pp. 517 ff.

[3] Plutarch, Ti. Gracch. 9; cf. Greenidge, A History of Rome, p. 111.

[4] Ηρὡδου Περι Πολιτεἱας, 30 (Ed. Drerup). With characteristic conservatism the English scholars, Adcock and Knox (Klio, 1913, pp. 249 ff.), uphold the attribution of this pamphlet to Herodes Atticus.

[5] Thucy., III, 82, 8. (The translation used here and elsewhere in the book is that of Jowett.)

[6] Thucy., III, 37, 2.

[7] The same is true of the second Athenian empire. The confederation from which it grew had no reason to outlast the occasion which had called t into existence—the "tyranny" of Sparta. It was, therefore, by design at least, a temporary, and not a permanent, union.

[8] Hellenica Oxyrhyn., II, 2-4.

[9] Attische Urkunden, I Teil. (Sitzb. d. Akad. in Wien. Phil.-hist. Klasse. 165, 6, 1911).

[10] It was revived on much less objectionable terms by Antigonus Doson. See below, page 34 and chapter VII.

[11] Lysistrata, 579 ff.

[12] See below, chapter VII.

[13] See below, chapter VII.

[14] See above, page 30.

[15] See below, chapter VII.

[16] See especially Ed. Meyer, Kleine Schriften, 283 ff., and below, chapter IV.

[17] Bury, J.B., The Constitution of the Later Roman Empire (1910), pp. 10 ff., 36.

Greek Imperialism

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