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SCENE VI. London. A street


[Enter a SCRIVENER.]


Here is the indictment of the good Lord Hastings;

Which in a set hand fairly is engross’d,

That it may be to-day read o’er in Paul’s.

And mark how well the sequel hangs together:—

Eleven hours I have spent to write it over,

For yesternight by Catesby was it sent me;

The precedent was full as long a-doing:

And yet within these five hours Hastings liv’d,

Untainted, unexamin’d, free, at liberty.

Here’s a good world the while! Who is so gross

That cannot see this palpable device!

Yet who so bold but says he sees it not!

Bad is the world; and all will come to naught,

When such ill dealing must be seen in thought.


King Richard III (The Unabridged Play) + The Classic Biography: The Life of William Shakespeare

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