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Text Copyright © 2016 William Speir

All rights reserved.

Published 2016 by Progressive Rising Phoenix Press, LLC, www.progressiverisingphoenix.com

ISBN: 978-1-944277-60-4


Printed in the U.S.A.

Cover Photo: “Man Is Sitting In War Shelter With Shotgun. Camouflage Uniform. Military Actions. War Hideaway Concept. Bottle With Alcohol. Occupation Problem. Depressed Soldier. Disappointed Hero” ID: 1192136914 by VGstockstudio. Image used under license from Shutterstock.com.

Illustration “The Arms of the Order of the Saltire” and “The Crest of Il Nona” by William Speir

Cover design by William Speir

Visit: http://www.williamspeir.com

Formatting by Polgarus Studio

Visit: http://www.polgarusstudio.com

The Lost Knights

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