Читать книгу Astronomy and General Physics Considered with Reference to Natural Theology - William Whewell - Страница 9
The Mass of the Earth.
ОглавлениеWe shall now consider the adaptation which may, as we conceive, be traced in the amount of some of the quantities which determine the course of events in the organic world; and especially in the amount of the forces which are in action. The life of vegetables and animals implies a constant motion of their fluid parts, and this motion must be produced by forces which urge or draw the particles of the fluids. The positions of the parts of vegetables are also the result of the flexibility and elasticity of their substance; the voluntary motions of animals are produced by the tension of the muscles. But in all those cases, the effect really produced depends upon the force of gravity also; and in order that the motions and positions may be such as answer their purpose, the forces which produce them must have a due proportion to the force of gravity. In human works, if, for instance, we have a fluid to raise, or a weight to move, some calculation is requisite, in order to determine the power which we must use, relatively to the work which is to be done: we have a mechanical problem to solve, in order that we may adjust the one to the other. And the same adjustment, the same result of a comparison of quantities, manifests itself in the relation which the forces of the organic world bear to the force of gravity.
The force of gravity might, so far as we can judge, have been different from what it now is. It depends upon the mass of the earth; and this mass is one of the elements of the solar system, which is not determined by any cosmical necessity of which we are aware. The masses of the several planets are very different, and do not appear to follow any determinate rule, except that upon the whole those nearer to the sun appear to be smaller, and those nearer the outskirts of the system to be larger. We cannot see any thing which would have prevented either the size or the density of the earth from being different, to a very great extent, from what they are.
Now, it will be very obvious that if the intensity of gravity were to be much increased, or much diminished, if every object were to become twice as heavy or only half as heavy as it now is, all the forces, both of involuntary and voluntary motion which produce the present orderly and suitable results by being properly proportioned to the resistance which they experience, would be thrown off their balance; they would produce motions too quick or too slow, wrong positions, jerks and stops, instead of steady, well conducted movements. The universe would be like a machine ill regulated; every thing would go wrong; repeated collisions and a rapid disorganization must be the consequence. We will, however, attempt to illustrate one or two of the cases in which this would take place, by pointing out forces which act in the organic world, and which are adjusted to the force of gravity.
1. The first instance we shall take, is the force manifested by the ascent of the sap in vegetables. It appears by a multitude of indisputable experiments, (among the rest, those of Hales, Mirbel, and Dutrochet,) that all plants imbibe moisture by their roots, and pump it up, by some internal force, into every part of their frame, distributing it into every leaf. It will be easily conceived that this operation must require a very considerable mechanical force; for the fluid must be sustained as if it were a single column reaching to the top of the tree. The division into minute parts and distribution through small vessels does not at all diminish the total force requisite to raise it. If, for instance, the tree be thirty-three feet high, the pressure must be fifteen pounds upon every square inch in the section of the vessels of the bottom in order merely to support the sap. And it is not only supported, but propelled upwards with great force, so as to supply the constant evaporation of the leaves. The pumping power of the tree must, therefore, be very considerable.
That this power is great, has been confirmed by various curious experiments, especially by those of Hales. He measured the force with which the stems and branches of trees draw the fluid from below, and push it upwards. He found, for instance, that a vine in the bleeding season could push up its sap in a glass tube to the height of twenty-one feet above the stump of an amputated branch.
The force which produces this effect is part of the economy of the vegetable world; and it is clear that the due operation of the force depends upon its being rightly proportioned to the force of gravity. The weight of the fluid must be counterbalanced, and an excess of force must exist to produce the motion upwards. In the common course of vegetable life, the rate of ascent of the sap is regulated, on the one hand, by the upward pressure of the vegetable power, and on the other, by the amount of the gravity of the fluid, along with the other resistances, which are to be overcome. If, therefore, we suppose gravity to increase, the rapidity of this vegetable circulation will diminish, and the rate at which this function proceeds, will not correspond either to the course of the seasons, or the other physiological processes with which this has to co-operate. We might easily conceive such an increase of gravity as would stop the vital movements of the plant in a very short time. In like manner, a diminution of the gravity of the vegetable juices would accelerate the rising of the sap, and would, probably, hurry and overload the leaves and other organs, so as to interfere with their due operation. Some injurious change, at least, would take place.
Here, then, we have the forces of the minutest parts of vegetables adjusted to the magnitude of the whole mass of the earth on which they exist. There is no apparent connexion between the quantity of matter of the earth, and the force of imbibition of the roots of a vine, or the force of propulsion of the vessels of its branches. Yet, these things have such a proportion as the well being of the vine requires. How is this to be accounted for, but by supposing that the circumstances under which the vine was to grow, were attended to in devising its structure?
We have not here pretended to decide whether this force of propulsion of vegetables is mechanical or not, because the argument is the same for our purpose on either supposition. Some very curious experiments have recently been made, (by M. Dutrochet,) which are supposed to show that the force is mechanical; that when two different fluids are separated by a thin membrane, a force which M. Dutrochet calls endosmose urges one fluid through the membrane: and that the roots of plants are provided with small vesicles which act the part of such a membrane. M. Poisson has further attempted to show that this force of endosmose may be considered as a particular modification of capillary action. If these views be true, we have here two mechanical forces, capillary action and gravity, which are adjusted to each other in the manner precisely suited to the welfare of vegetables.
2. As another instance of adaptation between the force of gravity and forces which exist in the vegetable world, we may take the positions of flowers. Some flowers grow with the hollow of their cup upwards: others “hang the pensive head,” and turn the opening downwards. Now of these “nodding flowers,” as Linnæus calls them, he observes that they are such as have their pistil longer than the stamens; and, in consequence of this position, the dust from the anthers which are at the ends of the stamens can fall upon the stigma or extremity of the pistil; which process is requisite for making the flower fertile. He gives as instances the flowers campanula, leucoium, galanthus, fritillaria. Other botanists have remarked that the position changes at different periods of the flower’s progress. The pistil of the Euphorbia (which is a little globe or germen on a slender stalk) grows upright at first, and is taller than the stamens: at the period suited to its fecundation, the stalk bends under the weight of the ball at its extremity, so as to depress the germen below the stamens; after this it again becomes erect, the globe being now a fruit filled with fertile seeds.
The positions in all these cases depend upon the length and flexibility of the stalk which supports the flower, or in the case of the Euphorbia, the germen. It is clear that a very slight alteration in the force of gravity, or in the stiffness of the stalk, would entirely alter the position of the flower cup, and thus make the continuation of the species impossible. We have therefore here a little mechanical contrivance, which would have been frustrated if the proper intensity of gravity had not been assumed in the reckoning. An earth greater or smaller, denser or rarer than the one on which we live, would require a change in the structure and strength of the footstalks of all the little flowers that hang their heads under our hedges. There is something curious in thus considering the whole mass of the earth from pole to pole, and from circumference to centre, as employed in keeping a snowdrop in the position most suited to the promotion of its vegetable health.
It would be easy to mention many other parts of the economy of vegetable life, which depend for their use on their adaptation to the force of gravity. Such are the forces and conditions which determine the positions of leaves and of branches. Such again those parts of the vegetable constitution which have reference to the pressure of the atmosphere; for differences in this pressure appear to exercise a powerful influence on the functions of plants, and to require differences of structure. But we pass over these considerations. The slightest attention to the relations of natural objects will show that the subject is inexhaustible; and all that we can or need do is to give a few examples, such as may show the nature of the impression which the examination of the universe produces.
3. Another instance of the adjustment of organic structure to the force of gravity may be pointed out in the muscular powers of animals. If the force of gravity were increased in any considerable proportion at the surface of the earth, it is manifest that all the swiftness, and strength, and grace of animal motions must disappear. If, for instance, the earth were as large as Jupiter, gravity would be eleven times what it is, the lightness of the fawn, the speed of the hare, the spring of the tiger, could no longer exist with the existing muscular powers of those animals; for man to lift himself upright, or to crawl from place to place, would be a labour slower and more painful than the motions of the sloth. The density and pressure of the air too would be increased to an intolerable extent, and the operation of respiration, and others, which depend upon these mechanical properties, would be rendered laborious, ineffectual, and probably impossible.
If, on the other hand, the force of gravity were much lessened, inconveniences of an opposite kind would occur. The air would be too thin to breathe; the weight of our bodies, and of all the substances surrounding us, would become too slight to resist the perpetually occurring causes of derangement and unsteadiness: we should feel a want of ballast in our movements.
It has sometimes been maintained by fanciful theorists that the earth is merely a shell, and that the central parts are hollow. All the reasons we can collect appear to be in favour of its being a solid mass, considerably denser than any known rock. If this be so, and if we suppose the interior to be at any time scooped out, so as to leave only such a shell as the above mentioned speculators have asserted, we should not be left in ignorance of the change, though the appearance of the surface might remain the same. We should discover the want of the usual force of gravity, by the instability of all about us. Things would not lie where we placed them, but would slide away with the slightest push. We should have a difficulty in standing or walking, something like what we have on ship-board when the deck is inclined; and we should stagger helplessly through an atmosphere thinner than that which oppresses the respiration of the traveller on the tops of the highest mountains.
We see therefore that those dark and unknown central portions of the earth, which are placed far beyond the reach of the miner and the geologist, and of which man will probably never know anything directly, are not to be considered as quite disconnected with us, as deposits of useless lumber without effect or purpose. We feel their influence on every step we take and on every breath we draw; and the powers we possess, and the comforts we enjoy would be unprofitable to us, if they had not been prepared with a reference to those as well as to the near and visible portions of the earth’s mass.
The arbitrary quantity, therefore, of which we have been treating, the intensity of the force of gravity, appears to have been taken account of, in establishing the laws of those forces by which the processes of vegetable and animal life are carried on. And this leads us inevitably, we conceive, to the belief of a supreme contriving mind, by which these laws were thus devised and thus established.