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Computing and the National Science Foundation, 1950–2016: Building a Foundation for Modern Computing
Peter A. Freeman, W. Richards Adrion, William Aspray
ISBN: 978-1-4503-7274-9eBook
ISBN: 978-1-4503-7275-6EPUB
ISBN: 978-1-4503-7276-3paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4503-7277-0hardcover
Series ISSN: 2374-6769 print2374-6777 electronic
10.1145/3336323 Book | 10.1145/3336323.3336332 Chapter 8 |
10.1145/3336323.3336324 Front Matter | 10.1145/3336323.3336333 Chapter 9 |
10.1145/3336323.3336326 Chapter 1 | 10.1145/3336323.3336334 Chapter 10 |
10.1145/3336323.3336326 Chapter 2 | 10.1145/3336323.3336335 Chapter 11 |
10.1145/3336323.3336327 Chapter 3 | 10.1145/3336323.3336336 Chapter 12 |
10.1145/3336323.3336328 Chapter 4 | 10.1145/3336323.3336337 Chapter 13 |
10.1145/3336323.3336329 Chapter 5 | 10.1145/3336323.3336338 Appendixes |
10.1145/3336323.3336330 Chapter 6 | 10.1145/3336323.3336339 Index/Bios |
10.1145/3336323.3336331 Chapter 7 |
A publication in the ACM Books series, #31
Editor in Chief: Sanjiva Prasad, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Founding Editor: M. Tamer Özsu, University of Waterloo Area Editor: Thomas Misa, University of Minnesota
This book was typeset in Arnhem Pro 10/14 and Flama using ZzTEX.
First Edition
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1