Читать книгу In the Shadow of the Ayatollah - William Daugherty - Страница 10



ACOSActing Chief of Station
CIACentral Intelligence Agency
CMSCareer Management Staff
COSChief of Station
CTCareer Trainee
DAODefense Attaché’s Office
DCMDeputy Chief of Mission
DC/NEDeputy Chief, Near East Division
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DODirectorate of Operations
FBISForeign Broadcast Information Service
IGInspector General
INRBureau of Intelligence and Research
MAAGMilitary Assistance Advisory Group
MCASMarine Corps Air Station
MDAPMilitary Defense Assistance Program
MFAMinistry of Foreign Affairs
NENear East
NEANear East Affairs
NFNational Front (Iran)
NIENational Intelligence Estimate
NSCNational Security Council
OSAOperations Support Assistant
PGOIProvisional Government of Iran
SCCSpecial Coordinating Committee
TDYTemporary Duty
In the Shadow of the Ayatollah

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