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“There is some talk already circulating around town.”

Daisy rubbed her cheek, trying to take in what this meant. “Be honest with me—how bad is it?”

“To speak bluntly, our reputations will be tarnished, and it may very well spill over onto Abigail, as well.”

Her spirits sank. Was her dream of being a welcomed member of the community over so soon? She wouldn’t accept that. “But surely if we just go on about our business, in time the rumors will die down.”

Everett shook his head.“I wish that were true. But this sort of thing can take on a life of its own, and folks have long memories. Believe me, I know.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?”

“There’s only one thing we can do—you and I must immediately announce our engagement.”

Daisy halted in her tracks and stared at him, not sure she’d heard correctly. Was he serious? The only hint of emotion she could see in his face, however, was that irritating hint of cynical amusement he wore like armor.

The Bride Next Door

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