Seven Disciplines of A Leader

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Wolf Jeff. Seven Disciplines of A Leader
Introduction. What Makes Certain Leaders Highly Effective?
A New Generation of Highly Effective Leaders
This Book Is Designed to Boost Your Leadership Effectiveness
Proven Process for Developing Highly Effective Leaders
I. The Nature of Highly Effective Leadership
1. Welcome to Leadership. Nature of the Job
The Need for Leadership Is Greater Now Than Ever Before
Real Life, Real Lessons
Secret Ingredient: People
Jim Gets It Done the Right Way
The Inevitable Result of Failing to Take Responsibility
Leading in Uncertain Times
Helen Gets It Right
2. Who Said It Would Be Easy? Scope of the Leader's Job
Five Fundamental Goals of Highly Effective Leaders
What's Wrong with Being Right?
Zoe Learns an Important Lesson from Her Boss, Stan
Fear of Failure Is Dangerous to Your Job Health
Bob's Short and Unhappy Career
3. Principles of Effective Leadership. Essence of the Leader's Job
How to Make Things Happen
Grumbling George
Attitude Is Everything
Show Vulnerability
What I Learned from the Father of Professional Speaking
Highly Effective Leaders Build on a Foundation of Honesty and Integrity
Seven Deadly Leadership Sins
Pride and Envy Bring Millie Down
4. Disciplines and Practices of Highly Effective Leaders
New Paradigm of Discipline: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
The Necessary Foundation of Discipline
Daily Discipline Activities
Why Be Disciplined?
Jimmy Corrects a Problem
Talent or Hard Work?
Deliberate Practice: 10,000 Hours or 10 Years
Three Disciplines of Highly Effective Leaders
Deliberate Practice
Tom Receives Feedback
II. Seven Disciplines
5. Discipline 1: Initiative and Influence. Seize the Reins and Set an Example for Others
Simply No Substitute for Honesty
Mary Ellen and Jane Part Company
Meet Clarice Turner, Innovator
More Lessons from the Restaurant Industry
Make an Emotional Connection
Borrow from Your Competitors
Involve Staff and Customers
6. Discipline 2: Vision, Strategy, and Alignment. The Progression from Plans to Accomplishments Marks a True Leader
Melvin Takes Over as Hospital Purchasing Manager
How to Share Vision
Five Useful Skills
Align People and Systems behind Your Vision
Vision/Strategy and Alignment
Searching Your Leadership Soul
Sharing Your Vision
Candid Communication
Positively Negative
Make the Mentoring Commitment
Starting Off on the Right Foot
7. Discipline 3: Priorities, Planning, and Execution. Execution Cannot Succeed without the Team's Acceptance and Endorsement
Judy Sees the Light
Priorities, Planning, and Execution
Nancy Can't Find Her Way
Identifying Priorities
Productive Planning Meets Effective Execution
The Prophet versus Leader Paradigm
Top 10 Ways to Sabotage Yourself and Your Company
8. Discipline 4: Social/Emotional/Political Intelligence. The Tribulations of Leadership and Their Remedies
Always Seek Feedback
John Discovers that It's Never Too Late to Learn
Emotional Intelligence/Resilience
Headaches of Management
Larry Becomes a Leader
9. Discipline 5: Reciprocation, Collaboration, and Service
Effective Leaders Must Influence and Inspire Others
The Way It Was
The Brutal Way of Old
The Need for Reciprocity
Collaboration: The Key Ingredient
Humility Will Improve Your Performance
The Benefits of Community Service
10. Discipline 6: Love and Leverage. There Is No Substitute for Passion about Work
Do What You Love, Love What You Do
Sophie Mirman, England's Youngest Millionaire
Work Passion: A New Discipline
The Troubling News
Passion's Nemesis
Lessons from Industry Leaders
Phil Recharges His Batteries
The Dog Days of Work
The Highly Effective Leader Passion Assessment Tool
11. Discipline 7: Renewal and Sustainability. Those Who Practice Renewal and Sustainability Avoid Common Pitfalls
Janet Transitions from Hard-Nosed Boss to Exceptional Leader
The World Is Changing: Was It Ever Not So?
III. Eleven Practices of Highly Effective Leaders
12. Practice 1: Hire People Like a Casting Director
Roger Makes His First Hiring Decision
Casting: Hire Smart
Attract the Best People
Take Three Key Steps
Pat's Hiring Policy Fails
Hire for Attitude
Santiago Succeeds Despite an Early Failure
A TV Executive Makes a Hiring Mistake
Eight Hiring Guidelines
13. Practice 2: Never Stop Developing People
The Necessity of Ongoing Training
Training: My Story – A Game That Came Down to One Play
Train to Retain
Empowering People
Jonathan Delegates
Poor Leaders
Effective Leadership Development
Nurturing Growth
Empower – Don't Just Dump
14. Practice 3: Understand the Value of Coaching
My Father-in-Law, My Coach
Three Skills of Effective Coaching
The Manager They Call “Coach”
Coaching People
Dealing with Difficult Employees
15. Practice 4: Motivate and Inspire People
All Members Have to Pull Their Weight
Leaders Discuss Motivation
16. Practice 5: Master Communication
Improving Communicating Ability
Andrew Identifies a Key Issue in Communication
Beatriz's Engaging Smile
Are You Listening?
Nuances of Nonverbal Communication
Zachary Wings It and Loses His Audience
Functions of Nonverbal Communication
Improving Nonverbal Communication
Lucille Slams the Door
About Face
Technology Conundrum
17. Practice 6: Build an Optimal Team
To Build a Strong Team, Trade “Me” for “We”
Six Essential Leadership Responsibilities That Build Effective Teams
Fuzzy Focus
Teamwork and Strong Teams
Learning Teams
We Are Not the Enemy
Six Learning Disabilities
Solution: Team Learning Discipline
Team Health
Four Disciplines
18. Practice 7: Deliver Excellence and Satisfy Customers
The Car of My Dreams
Ted Opens a New Market
The Disciplines of Excellence
Customer Intimacy
Excellence in Customer Service
19. Practice 8: Balance Your Work and Personal Life. It Will Help You Find the Right Perspective
Jack Finds the Way
Work/Life Balance
Barbara Burns Out
Get a Life
What's Important to You?
Health Implications
Are We Having Fun Yet?
20. Practice 9: Nurture New Leaders and Retain High Performers
Identifying and Grooming High-Potential Employees
Retaining High-Potential Employees
The Right Work Culture Helps Retain Your Best People
Appreciating Human Behavior at Work
A Promising Sales Manager Leaves Her Company
Workplace Harassment: The Real Deal
Creating Positive Energy
Homegrown Leaders
21. Practice 10: Lead Desired Change
Embracing Change
As Hard to Move as a Boulder
Four Phases of Change
Resisting Change
Success Story
22. Practice 11: Manage a Multigenerational Workforce
Shifting Demographics
World War II Generation
Baby Boom Generation
Generation X
Millennial Generation
Bridging the Generation Gap
Basic Leadership Techniques
Work Arrangements and Benefits
About the Author
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To my mom and dad who always believed in me, taught me right from wrong, and provided unconditional love and support in everything I ever did.
Martin Smith, an honest and caring man who took me under his wing and helped me get published.
Leadership isn't about who's in charge; it's about those they lead and the paths they take. Larry Bossidy, former CEO of Allied Signal and coauthor of Execution, said, “At the end of the day you bet on people, not strategies.” Leaders are needed at every level, and the success of their organizations depends on how well they're developed.
I intend your experience to be, as my colleague Susan Spale wrote: