Читать книгу The Pinafore Picture Book; The Story of HMS Pinafore - W.S. Gilbert - Страница 3

In short, he did everything possible to make everybody on Board thoroughly ill and happy
“I know who takes Sugar-plums to Bed with him”
Sir Joseph Porter was one of the many People who had fallen a Victim to the Beauty of Miss Josephine Corcoran
“My gallant Crew, Good Morning!”
The good Captain was distressed to see his dear Daughter in this bilious Frame of Mind
Luncheon in the Wardroom
So She came on Deck to indulge in a Rêverie all alone
So saying, with tell-tale Tears streaming down her Face, she strode magnificently to her Cabin
Her short and snappish Replies to Sir Joseph’s pretty Speeches at Dinner
Little Buttercup and the Captain
“What are you trying to do?” said Sir Joseph
“Deadeye!” said the Captain, “You here? Don’t!”
A Couple of Marines marched him off under the Command of the smallest Midshipman in the Ship
“I mixed those Children up”
Corcoran presented blushing little Buttercup to Sir Joseph, who gave her Sixpence on the spot
Headpiece to Chapter I
Little Buttercup
Headpiece to Chapter II
Sir Joseph Porter and his Female Relations
“I polished up the handle of the big front door”
Headpiece to Chapter III
Dick Deadeye dipped into the Flour-bin
Headpiece to Chapter IV
“Madam, it has been represented to me that you are appalled at my exalted rank”
“Naughty daughter of mine, I insist upon knowing”
Captain Rackstraw tries to catch sight of his Epaulettes
The End
The Pinafore Picture Book; The Story of HMS Pinafore

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