Читать книгу Transgressed - Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz - Страница 13

The Survivors


A total of eighteen trans-identified respondents who had experienced intimate partner violence participated in this study. As mentioned above, twelve of the participants were interviewed via telephone and one via online chat, and five submitted free-write responses via an online survey link. Although I offered participants whose first language was Spanish the choice to tell their stories in either English or Spanish, all opted for English. Table A.1 in Appendix A provides relevant details of the respondents who chose to use pseudonyms by providing gender identity, race and/or ethnicity, and age; participants described their social backgrounds in their own words.

While a majority of the sample identified as white, there was considerable racial diversity, including three black- and five Latinx-identified participants. The group was also diverse in terms of gender identities, with five identifying as transwomen and three as female-to-male (FTM) transgender, and then a variety of other identifications including transmasculine and transfeminine, genderqueer, transsexual, and transgender stone butch.64 The average participant was thirty years old. Many survivors were at the early stages of their transition or coming-out process or just a few years into their transition. This may be due in part to the relatively young age of the participants. In Appendix A, I provide more specifics on the analytic and coding strategy used for the stories.


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