Читать книгу SCADA Security - Xun Yi - Страница 11



In recent years, SCADA systems have been interfaced with enterprise systems, which therefore exposed them to the vulnerabilities of the Internet and to security threats. Therefore, there has been an increase in cyber intrusions targeting these systems and they are becoming an increasingly global and urgent problem. This is because compromising a SCADA system can lead to large financial losses and serious impact on public safety and the environment. As a countermeasure, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) tailored for SCADA are designed to identify intrusions by comparing observable behavior against suspicious patterns, and to notify administrators by raising intrusion alarms. In the existing literature, there are three types of learning methods that are often adopted by IDS for learning system behavior and building the detection models, namely supervised, semisupervised, and unsupervised. In supervised learning, anomaly‐based IDS requires class labels for both normal and abnormal behavior in order to build normal/abnormal profiles. This type of learning is costly however and time‐expensive when identifying the class labels for a large amount of data. Hence, semi‐supervised learning is introduced as an alternative solution, where an anomaly‐based IDS builds only normal profiles from the normal data that is collected over a period of “normal” operations. However, the main drawback of this learning method is that comprehensive and “purely” normal data are not easy to obtain. This is because the collection of normal data requires that a given system operates under normal conditions for a long time, and intrusive activities may occur during this period of the data collection process. On the another hand, the reliance only on abnormal data for building abnormal profiles is infeasible since the possible abnormal behavior that may occur in the future cannot be known in advance. Alternatively, and for preventing threats that are new or unknown, an anomaly‐based IDS uses unsupervised learning methods to build normal/abnormal profiles from unlabeled data, where prior knowledge about normal/abnormal data is not known. Indeed, this is a cost‐efficient method since it can learn from unlabeled data. This is because human expertise is not required to identify the behavior (whether normal or abnormal) for each observation in a large amount of training data sets. However, it suffers from low efficiency and poor accuracy.

This book provides the latest research and best practices of unsupervised intrusion detection methods tailored for SCADA systems. In Chapter 3, framework for a SCADA security testbed based on virtualisation technology is described for evaluating and testing the practicality and efficacy of any proposed SCADA security solution. Undoubtedly, the proposed testbed is a salient part for evaluating and testing because the actual SCADA systems cannot be used for such purposes because availability and performance, which are the most important issues, are most likely to be affected when analysing vulnerabilities, threats, and the impact of attacks. In the literature, the k‐Nearest Neighbour (k‐NN) algorithm was found to be one of top ten most interesting and best algorithms for data mining in general and in particular it has demonstrated promising results in anomaly detection. However, the traditional k‐NN algorithm suffers from high and “curse of dimensionality” since it needs a large amount of distance calculations. Chapter 4 describes a novel k‐NN algorithm that efficiently works on high‐dimensional data of various distributions. In addition, an extensive experimental study and comparison with several algorithms using benchmark data sets were conducted. Chapters 5 and 6 introduce the practicality and possibility of unsupervised intrusion detection methods tailored for SCADA systems, and demonstrate the accuracy of unsupervised anomaly detection methods that build normal/abnormal profiles from unlabeled data. Finally, Chapter 7 describes two authentication protocols to efficiently protect SCADA Systems, and Chapter 8 nicely concludes with the various solutions/methods described in this book with the aim to outline possible future extensions of these described methods.

SCADA Security

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