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Chapter 2

Gabrielle dressed with care on Monday morning as she prepared for her first day at Adams Cosmetics. She pulled her hair into an unsophisticated ponytail and donned a charcoal designer pantsuit. Because the science lab was a male-dominated place, Gabrielle wanted Shane to view her as a serious chemist. If she showed more skin or dressed to gain their attention, they might view her as inferior. But Gabrielle was determined to command Shane’s respect.

She had a few last-minute jitters, but it wasn’t because of her laboratory experience. She was more comfortable there than anyplace else. She was just anxious because Shane Adams had already made it clear that the lab was his domain and that he was merely tolerating her presence, much like a child who should be seen and not heard.

It didn’t help that he was sinfully gorgeous. She’d acted as if she hadn’t noticed with Mariah, but the truth of the matter was that she’d always known Shane Adams was attractive. It was hard not to notice him. He oozed masculinity from his every pore. Add the sexy eyes and a body for lovemaking, and any woman would be powerless to resist his charm. Except her.

Why? Because even though he was attractive, he was still the arrogant, cocky ladies’ man she remembered from school. Back then, Shane had to have a woman on his arm, and even though he didn’t go through women once a week as some playboys would, after several months he always seemed to tire of them, and it was on to the next.

What surprised Gabrielle the most was that after it was over, the women never spoke ill of Shane. They always praised him for respecting them and treating them well. They even said he was the most romantic man they’d ever met. How could they be so naive? Why would they date a man knowing he offered them nothing but a temporary good time? Once he’d gotten what he wanted and had his fill, the door revolved and another woman was in play.

It boggled Gabrielle’s mind, and so as she walked into the laboratory that morning, she resolved that despite Shane’s good looks and obvious charm, she would not be taken in by him.

Gabrielle tore through the double doors of the laboratory with gusto and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Shane leaning over the counter smelling several vials. From her vantage point, she could see he had a well-defined behind. Resisting his charm was going to be easier said than done.

“So glad you could make it, Ms. Burton,” Shane said, standing upright.

Gabrielle glanced down at her watch. Was she late? He did say 8:00 a.m.? “Did I miss something?” But when she looked around, she saw that several employees were already milling about in lab coats.

“No,” Shane replied, walking over to the other vials he’d been working on. “But if you want to hang with this crew, you’re going to have to get here earlier, my dear.”

Gabrielle rolled her eyes upward. She hated the condescending tone in Shane’s voice, but it was her first day and she didn’t want to get on his bad side. “I will be sure to remember that.” She walked closer to him until they were nearly inches apart. Being this close to Shane allowed her to smell his aftershave, which was sharp and kind of spicy. It tantalized her senses and sent shivers up and down her spine. “What are you working on?”

Shane’s body instantly became alert at Gabrielle’s nearness, and he stiffened. “I’m working on a couple of different scents that might work for the new fragrance.”

“Really.” Gabrielle walked around the counter and went to several vials containing essential oils and perfumer’s alcohol. “Hmm…not bad,” she said.

“I don’t recall asking for your opinion,” Shane replied to her lackluster response.

“And I wasn’t giving you one,” Gabrielle responded in turn. “I was merely commenting aloud.” She grasped a sheet of perfume paper and dipped it into one of the vials. She brought the paper to her nose and inhaled deeply. After several moments she smelled it again and was silent before saying, “Seems like you’re going for more of a citrus scent. Have you considered adding some spearmint?”

Shane’s forehead bunched into a frown. “No, I hadn’t thought of that.” And he hated that she had a point, as it would complement the current potion in the vial.

“And what are these?” Gabrielle motioned to several mockups for the skin-care line.

“Some preliminaries for a redesign of the current bottle to go along with a couple of new fragrances for the shower gels and lotions we’re developing.”

“So let me get this straight. You work on cosmetics, skin care and fragrances, and you only have four other employees?” Gabrielle asked.

Shane glared at her. “That’s right.”

“Well, no wonder you need me.” Gabrielle didn’t turn away from his stare. Instead, she gave him one of her own.

“I don’t need you,” Shane replied. “This lab has been working perfectly fine without you.”

“Mr. Graham didn’t think so.”

“Because Mr. Graham isn’t familiar with how the Adamses do business. We are a small family company.”

“That’s now a subsidiary of a major conglomerate like Graham International,” Gabrielle said. “You’re going to have to let go of the reins, Shane, if you want Adams Cosmetics to expand.”

“How insightful of you, Gabby,” Shane said, calling her by the nickname she hated. “Why don’t you go check in with HR on the third floor and complete your paperwork and be back here in, say, an hour?”

“All right.” Gabrielle gave Shane a halfhearted smile even though she’d rather strangle him. He was really only dismissing her because he hadn’t liked what she had to say. “I’ll see you shortly.”

The paperwork wouldn’t take Gabrielle long, but it would give Shane time to regain his composure. He wasn’t used to having someone question what he was doing or what he was working on, and he didn’t like it one bit. When he’d come up with a revolutionary skin-care cream seven years ago, Kayla had pretty much handed him the reins of the laboratory, and he’d never looked back. Some may have thought his sister crazy for handing over the laboratory to a twenty-five-year-old straight out of his apprenticeship, but Shane had had a vision even then, and he’d let no one deter him. So he certainly didn’t appreciate Ethan bringing an outsider into his domain.

He didn’t know what it was about Gabrielle that irked him so. Was it her perfectly coiffed hair? Or was it her smooth complexion free of makeup that bothered him? Or the fact that she dressed in black, browns and grays? Did the woman even own an item of color? Or perhaps it was the fact that she was the only woman on the planet who seemed immune to him.

In school, Gabrielle Burton had steered clear of him, which had only intrigued him more and made him curious to get under that layer of cool reserve. He’d watched her date Preston, a pretentious yuppie with a moneyed background who was clearly a boring dud. Yet, she’d acted as if he was the catch of the century, when in fact the relationship hadn’t lasted much longer than a few months. Perhaps she liked stuck-up men who wouldn’t know fun if it was staring them in the face.

Either way, Shane was not too happy about her presence, which is why he left his lab to go to Kayla’s office. He had a bone to pick with his traitorous sister.

“Hi, Myra.” He smiled at Kayla’s assistant before heading straight into his sister’s office.

Kayla was on the phone, but she waved him inside. Shane plopped down in the plush chair in front of her desk and glared at her.

Several minutes later, Kayla hung up the line. “So did you come in here to give me hell?”

“As you knew I would,” Shane returned. “How could you not have given me a heads-up on what you and Ethan were discussing? I’m your brother, for Christ’s sake!”

“Shane…” Kayla sighed. She knew her brother would be upset, but she’d hoped that once he’d had time to cool down he’d see the rationale behind their decision.

“Don’t ‘Shane’ me,” he responded, jumping to his feet. “You knew I wouldn’t be behind this—” he pointed to his sister “—so you and your hubby blindsided me. And I don’t appreciate it.”

Kayla took offense to Shane’s tone. She knew the family still didn’t completely trust Ethan, but she wouldn’t abide Shane bad-mouthing the father of her child. “We did what was best for this company, and you might do well to remember that.”

Shane’s eyes narrowed. “Are you pulling rank on me?” Although Kayla was president of Adams Cosmetics, he was vice president and they’d always shared the same vision of what was right, until now.

“Of course not.” Kayla sighed wearily and rubbed her belly. “But even you must see the logic.”

“I see my territory being intruded upon by an outsider.”

“Ah, now we get down to the heart of the matter,” Kayla said. “It’s not that we brought on some help. It’s who we hired.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Kayla smiled at her brother’s outright lie. He wouldn’t be in her office right now if Gabrielle Burton hadn’t rubbed him the wrong way. “What did she do?”

“She had the nerve to tell me what note to add into my fragrance. Can you believe that?” Shane asked.

Kayla chuckled. “She is there to help you.”

“I don’t need her help. I have been making fragrances long before she got here.”

“But haven’t you said something is missing?”

Shane narrowed his eyes. “Don’t use my words against me, Kay.”

Kayla rose from her chair and walked over to her brother and gave him a punch in the shoulder. “Then don’t be a Neanderthal. Let the woman help you. That’s what we hired her to do.”

* * *

Gabrielle was on her way back from HR, with her head still focused on the mountain of paperwork she had to complete, when she bumped into someone coming out of the elevator. The papers in her hand went flying through the air and onto the floor.

“I’m so sorry,” Gabrielle gushed as she bent down to pick up the papers. She glanced up to find a statuesque beauty staring down at her in what was no doubt a white designer pantsuit. Gabrielle had seen some gorgeous models in Paris, but this woman was different. She was nearly six feet tall with a short, sleek bob and arresting green eyes. Even though her makeup was immaculate, she didn’t need it. She was stunning already.

“No worries, I was texting,” Courtney said. “And you know what they say, you shouldn’t walk and text.” She bent down to help Gabrielle gather the papers strewn across the floor.

Courtney rose and handed the pile to the woman, who appeared a little bit frazzled. And what the heck was with the ponytail and drab pantsuit she was wearing? Didn’t she realize what industry they were in? “By the way, my name is Courtney. Courtney Adams.”

“Adams,” Gabrielle said, staring back at her. “You wouldn’t be any relation to Shane Adams, would you?”

Courtney smiled broadly. “Yes, he’s my brother.”

Gabrielle’s mouth formed an O. She extended her hand. “Great to meet you. My name is Gabrielle Burton.”

Courtney’s eyes widened. “Ah, so you’re Gabrielle Burton.” She accepted the handshake.

“I see my reputation has preceded me.”

“Something like that,” Courtney said and laughed. “Where you off to?”

“Back to the lab,” Gabrielle said, pressing the elevator call button, “where I’m sure your brother is waiting for me and ready to give me the riot act. HR took a little longer than expected.”

“Is Shane giving you a hard time?”

Gabrielle gulped. She hadn’t meant to speak so openly. Although she wasn’t working directly with Courtney, she had done her research and knew she sat on the board of directors and was spokeswoman for the company. “No…uh…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Don’t backpedal now,” Courtney responded. “I respect a woman who can speak her mind, and I know Shane wasn’t too happy to add you to his staff.”

The elevator arrived at that exact moment, and Courtney joined Gabrielle on the way down to the lab.

“Good. Because I know Mr. Adams isn’t happy to have me here, but I promise I will do the job to the best of my ability.”

“I’m sure you will,” Courtney replied. “But might I give you a word of advice?”

“Hmm…what’s that?” Gabrielle glanced up at Courtney, wide-eyed.

“The first step would be to change your appearance.”

“Excuse me?” Gabrielle was taken aback. “What’s wrong with what I have on?”

Courtney’s brow rose. “Do you really want me to go there?”

Gabrielle couldn’t help but laugh, which immediately eased the tension she was feeling over Courtney’s overzealous tongue.

The elevator announced Gabrielle’s floor and she moved toward the exit, but Courtney touched her arm. “Listen, I have to get to a meeting,” Courtney said, “but why don’t we talk more over lunch?”


“Sure. I’ll meet you in the lobby at 1:00 p.m. We’ll go someplace special.”

And with that comment, the elevator doors closed, leaving Gabrielle to marvel at how nice Shane’s sister was compared with him.

* * *

Shane wasn’t in the lab when Gabrielle arrived, so she had a few minutes to check her cell phone. She was surprised to see she’d missed a call. The voice mail was from her father, who indicated he’d heard she was back in town and wondered if she intended to come and say hello. The tone was accusatory, as if she wouldn’t have come by to visit. And how the heck had he “heard” she was back in town?

She didn’t have time to ponder the thought because Shane came sauntering into the lab. He strode purposely toward her, and Gabrielle couldn’t help but be mesmerized at just how attractive her boss truly was. Shane had a way about him that commanded attention.

“Listen, we probably got off on the wrong foot this morning,” Shane began once he reached her desk. When Gabrielle didn’t stop him, he continued. “So how about we call a truce and get along? There is a lot of work to be done. You ready to roll up your sleeves?”

“Lead the way,” Gabrielle said.

* * *

Over the next couple of hours, Shane introduced her to the other staff members whom she would oversee, but made it clear that the buck stopped with him. She was second in command.

Lunch came surprisingly fast and Gabrielle had to admit she was looking forward to eating with Courtney. Despite the fact that, prior to its acquisition by Graham International, Adams Cosmetics had been considered a boutique cosmetics firm, there had been plenty of write-ups about Courtney as a spokesmodel. Courtney attended the latest industry events and fashion shows and kept Adams Cosmetics in the public eye. It had caused quite a stir in the community when the company hired the actress Noelle Warner as the face of its first fragrance, Hypnotic.

All five foot ten of Courtney was waiting for her in the lobby. She looked poised and sophisticated in her tailored designer duds and fancy handbag. No wonder she thought that Gabrielle looked frumpy in comparison in her gray pantsuit. “So how was the first half of your day?” Courtney inquired, peering down at her as she searched her purse for her keys. “I hope better than the first hour.”

An image of Shane popped in Gabrielle’s mind and she smiled warmly. “Much better. Mr. Adams and I are on the same page.”

“I knew he’d come around,” Courtney said as she walked toward the exit. Gabrielle assumed she was to follow and fell in beside her.

Once outside, Courtney stopped in front of the driver’s side of her Porsche Boxster and quickly jumped in the convertible. “Well, don’t just stand there. Get in!”

“Sorry,” Gabrielle said as she slid into the passenger side. The seats were leather and felt as smooth as butter. “This is a nice ride.”

“Thanks,” Courtney responded as she fired up the engine. “Since it’s your first day, I’m taking you to the Sun Dial.” The trilevel restaurant inside the Westin Peachtree Plaza was known for having a spectacular view of the Atlanta skyline.

“Sounds great!” Gabrielle replied. “Doesn’t it revolve?”

“How do you know? Are you from here?”

“Yes. I’m from Marietta.”

“Really? Shane never told me you were from this area. Isn’t it funny that you would both have careers in the same industry?”

Yeah, real funny, Gabrielle thought to herself. Courtney had no idea that she’d learned everything she knew from her father and Jax Cosmetics.

They arrived at the restaurant surprisingly quickly considering it was lunchtime. After a seventy-three-story elevator ride, the maître d’ was waiting for them. He knew Courtney and seated them in a prime spot with a view of the CNN Center and the Georgia Dome. Gabrielle watched as he rushed to pull out Courtney’s seat and saw how flustered he became when Courtney batted her eyelashes up at him. “Do men always treat you like that?” she inquired once they were seated and perusing the lunch menu.

“Like what?” Courtney asked.

“Never mind.” Clearly Courtney was oblivious to the attention she obtained from the male species. Gabrielle doubted any man had ever looked at her quite like that. Not even Preston, with whom she’d shared a short but compatible relationship at school. He’d been a pleasant enough boyfriend who treated her well and who accepted her as she was. He hadn’t expected her to gussy herself up.

“What are you having?” Courtney asked.

“Not sure yet.”

“I’m thinking the flat-iron steak and mashed potatoes. Being a model is tough at times. I have to maintain my figure, otherwise I won’t keep getting loaner clothes. So I’d better stick with the pecan-crusted chicken salad.”

“That suit isn’t yours?”

“No, the designers all send me clothes off the rack in the hopes that I will wear them and be photographed.”

“It must be awful not to eat what you enjoy,” Gabrielle said as she sipped on her water.

“That’s the thing, I do eat,” Courtney said, “which is why I’m in the gym six days a week, two hours a day to maintain this figure.” She motioned down from her head to her toe. “Anyway, enough about me. Why don’t you tell me the real reason you accepted a position with your archrival?”

Gabrielle nearly spit out her water and began coughing uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry,” Courtney apologized and reached across to slap Gabrielle’s back. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I guess I wasn’t prepared for you to be so…uh, straightforward.”

Courtney smiled broadly. “You mean blunt, but I appreciate your tactfulness. You’re also avoiding answering my question.”

“Adams Cosmetics is a great company.”

“But we are a small boutique firm,” Courtney added.

“Not anymore.”

“True.” Courtney nodded. “But you must have known that accepting this position meant working closely with Shane, who according to him, you despised.”

“Despise? No, I don’t despise Shane,” Gabrielle said. How could she? She’d always been secretly attracted to him, but she would never tell another soul that.

“Then what?”

“Then nothing.” Gabrielle stared intently at the menu, hoping Courtney couldn’t see the truth.

Courtney remained silent for several long, excruciating moments before finally saying, “You have a thing for my brother, don’t you?”

“Shane?” Gabrielle’s voice rose several octaves. “Of course not. We’ve always had a rivalry. Much like siblings would,” she added for good measure, trying to cover her tracks.

“And you see my hazel-eyed, athletic, immensely attractive brother like a sibling?” Courtney raised a brow. Now there was a lie she hadn’t heard before.

“I don’t deny Shane has a certain appeal.” Gabrielle chose her words very carefully. “He always has. I remember in school how he had a bevy of women who would fawn all over him, and he ate it up with a spoon. I’m sure Shane has never been at a loss for having a beautiful, sexy woman on his arm.”

“Ah, so there’s the rub,” Courtney said, eyeing her suspiciously. “You’re envious of the other women. You think he’s superficial, so you’ve chosen to downplay your looks in the hopes that he will finally notice the inner you.” Courtney placed her hand over Gabrielle’s. “Darling, let me tell you, you could end up alone in bed every night if you continue on this route. There are a number of women trying to trap my brother into marriage, and if you don’t act quickly, someone will snap him up.”

“I am not interested in Shane.”

“Sure, you’re not.”

The waiter came back to take their order and Courtney ordered the salad while Gabrielle chose the chicken fusilli pasta. That didn’t prevent Courtney from taking up where she left off in the conversation once he’d gone. “My advice to you would be to glam it up. Let my brother see that you are a force to be reckoned with. And knowing Shane, he will not back down from a good challenge.”

“How can you talk this way about your own brother?” Gabrielle asked Courtney. “You just met me, and clearly Shane did not speak well of me in the past.”

“True, but I have a good feeling about you. I knew you were different when we met, which is why I asked you to lunch,” Courtney replied. “Call it female intuition, but I think you are exactly what my brother needs.”

“You have it all wrong, Courtney. I’m the exact opposite of the kind of woman your brother dates.”

“Which is why you’re absolutely perfect for him,” Courtney replied. “And it’s why I’m going to make you over so you can win him over.”

* * *

Gabrielle sat in the car on the way back from lunch with Courtney completely flabbergasted. She’d tried explaining to Courtney that she dressed conservatively so that men would take her seriously in the lab. But the more she tried to convince Courtney that she wasn’t interested in Shane, the more she dug in her heels, determined to fix the two of them up. Gabrielle could see the wheels turning in Courtney’s mind.

She had to get her bearings at Adams Cosmetics first, and she couldn’t afford a failed love affair with her boss. It had “disaster” written all over it. No, she had to make Courtney realize the error of her ways.

“Thank you again for lunch, Courtney,” Gabrielle said as she exited the vehicle. “It was a really nice treat.”

“You’re absolutely welcome,” Courtney answered. “I just know this is going to work out fine.” She had barely finished her sentence when Shane pulled up beside her in his Jaguar.

Shane couldn’t believe his eyes. Was that really his sister with Gabrielle Burton, of all people? Why was she being friendly with the enemy? He jumped out of the car with a frown on his face. “Courtney…” He nodded at his sister. “What’s going on?”

Courtney looked at Shane then back at Gabrielle, trying to gauge their reaction to each other. “I ran into Gabby in the hall and took our new employee out for lunch. Do you have a problem with that?”

Gabrielle watched Shane’s eyes narrow at Courtney’s use of her nickname and her lack of response. Somehow Courtney using it didn’t seem to bother her nearly as much as when Shane did.

“That’s awfully nice of you, sister dear,” Shane replied. “Remind me to thank you at dinner tonight. Gabrielle, if you’re finished, can we get back to work?” Shane turned his back and headed into the building.

“Of course.” Gabrielle smiled at Courtney before quickly rushing behind Shane. “See you soon.” She waved to Courtney.

* * *

As he lay in bed, Shane stared at the ceiling and pondered how he was going to handle having Gabby in his domain. She was going to challenge him at every turn, just as she’d done in school, which had always been kind of a turn-on. Back then, he’d thought that all she needed was a good lay. You know, a man to work out all that inner hostility that she’d stored up and most often directed at him. And he’d thought that man might have been him, but Gabby had not been even remotely interested.

Shane had no idea why she’d taken such offense to him back then. Although they’d been rivals for the top spot, he’d always treated her with respect like the true southern boy he was, as his mother, Elizabeth, had raised him. Thinking about his mother brought a smile to his face. He’d inherited her easy nature, quick wit, fair coloring and beautiful hazel eyes, unlike Kayla, who had favored their father with his fiery temper and mahogany skin.

Although he loved his father, Shane had to admit Byron Adams was hard to handle and couldn’t be an easy man to love, yet his mother made it look easy. He’d always wondered how his mother had endured thirty-five years of marriage, all the while helping Byron start his own cosmetics company.

His grandparents certainly hadn’t been happy when she’d decided to end her three-year courtship with their choice for a mate, Andrew Jackson. He was born to the right family and had the right pedigree, unlike poor Byron Adams, a lowly employee of Graham International. They’d tried to talk her out of the marriage, but his mother loved his father, and although she hated to break Andrew’s heart, she’d refused to give Byron up.

Elizabeth Adams was beautiful, intelligent, courageous and steadfastly loyal. Shane admired his mother a great deal, which is why few women could ever live up to his high standards. As he drifted off to sleep, Shane wondered if there was any woman who could.

* * *

In her hotel room later that evening, Gabrielle kicked off her heels and plopped down onto the plush pillow-top mattress. It was not going to be easy working with Shane day in and day out. He was conceited and superior, but despite those less-than-admirable qualities, she had to admit Shane was a brilliant and dedicated chemist. She was amazed at just how much he’d been overseeing in the laboratory.

He had projects in the works for every line of business at Adam Cosmetics. No wonder Ethan had looked at hiring him some help. If he continued at that pace, he would burn out. Of course, no one could tell him that. Like a typical male, Shane Adams was sure he could handle anything life threw at him.

But fortunately for him, she had some ideas of her own. She’d been cultivating them since she was at L’Oréal, but the head chemist had been unwilling to try them out. She hoped Shane wasn’t as closed minded. She knew the lab was his domain, but she was determined to carve out a place for herself, even if it was by his side.

She was just about to head into the shower when she heard a knock on the door. Gabrielle had no idea who it could be, as she wasn’t expecting anyone. Nothing could have shocked her further when she opened the door and saw the man standing on the other side was none other than Andrew Jackson.

Lost Without You

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