Читать книгу АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. Тренажер по чтению и переводу. Начальная и средняя школа - Яна Александровна Малова - Страница 3
1. The Little Girl and the Winter Whirlwinds
ОглавлениеOne year, the wicked Winter Witch decides that earth can have only one сезон and stops весну from coming. The земля gets covered in heavy снегом and the солнце is covered behind черными облаками.
Люди from a tiny village in the горах of Bulgaria wake up to see their дома covered with снегом up to the roof. They dig tunnels to reach their neighbors and discuss any possible solutions for this проблема. Они decide to ask for help from Деда Мороза, who lived on the icy peak of the горах.
An старый человек among the villagers says он может пойти but is afraid if he can make it in время. His granddaughter asks him not to worry and offers to go herself. The villagers discourage her as они are worried the маленькая девочка is too delicate to climb up the challenging icy горная вершина.
«I’m not afraid,» маленькая девочка говорит, «My ноги are strong and Я as быстрая as a mountain коза.»
Дети from the деревня lend their warm clothes to the девочка and она embarks on the tough journey. Blizzards, whirlwinds and Зимняя Ведьма throw several challenges at the маленькую девочку and threaten to kill ее. But little мыши, белки, и кролики come to her rescue and help the маленькой девочке reach Деда Мороза.
In his palace, Отец Frost спит peacefully and the маленькая девочка wakes him up to explain the ситуацию. Дед Мороз blows his whistle and a crystal шар appears; в шаре, он sees everything that had happened around him. Он punishes the Злую ведьму and brings everything back to normal. Villagers are счастливы and proud of маленькой девочкой as солнце starts shining again.
2. Thumbelina
In a faraway деревне lived a peasant and his жена. When a beggarwoman comes seeking food, the peasant’s wife offers her еду. The beggarwoman gives her a barleycorn in return. The wife plants the barleycorn and surprisingly a tiny девочка named Thumbelina emerges from the sprouted цветок.
Одной ночью, when Thumbelina is fast asleep in her cradle, она is carried off by a cruel toad to marry her off to её сыном.
A friendly рыбка и бабочка help Thumbelina to escape жаба и ее сын. But her struggles don’t end. A жук stag captures её but throws her away when его друзья не полюбили Thumbelina’s company.
Старая мышь gives her shelter but insists her to marry the neighbour, a mole. Thumbelina не любит крота because он stays insides and never comes out to enjoy the light and air. Она бежит away из мышкиного дома and escapes to a faraway land.
In a солнечное цветочное field, она meets a крощечного цветочного волшебного принца who is her size and starts liking him. They marry each other and after the wedding она gets a pair of wings. Она starts летать with her husband from одного цветка to another.
3. Cinderella
Золушка is a красивая и добрая девочка