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A nuclear spin in quantum mechanical description is represented by a spin angular momentum operator I, which can be written in the usual Cartesian coordinate system as a dimensionless quantity


where Ix, Iy, and Iz are the spin operators representing the x, y, z components of the spin operator I.

The magnetic moment µ is proportional to its spin angular momentum,


where γ is a proportionality constant (called the gyromagnetic ratio), different for different nuclear species. This equation is identical to that in the classical description [Eq. (2.1)], except the spin I is now an operator.

A single nucleus in an external magnetic field (B0 = B0k) experiences the nuclear Zeeman interaction1 with the field. The evolution of a spin system ψ is governed by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation,


where ℋ is a Hamiltonian. (This equation plays a similar role as Eq. (2.3) in classical treatment of NMR in Chapter 2, where the Newton’s second law was used.) If ℋ is considered time-independent, the evolution of the spin system can be derived from the above equation as


where U(t) is the evolution operator. This equation effectively separates the time-independent part |ψ(t0)> from the time-dependent part U(t).

Since the Hamiltonian operator for the case of B0 = B0k is given by the Zeeman Hamiltonian, we can write down the operator ℋ as


Note that only the Iz component is present in the last part of Eq. (3.5), which is due to the properties of the dot product (cf. Appendix A1.1) since B0 = B0k.

As in the classical description where I is the spin angular momentum (a vector) and the half-integer or integer values of I are called spin quantum number I, the spin operator Iz has m possible values (the eigenvalues), ranging from −I, −I + 1, …, I, where m is the azimuthal quantum number.

Therefore, the evolution operator U(t) can be written as


where the second step considers the fact that ω0 = γB0 and θ = ω0t. U(t) is hence just a rotation operator [recall that exp(iθ) = cosθ + i sinθ, also in Appendix A1.1], which corresponds to a rotation of the spin state |ψ> about the z axis with an angular frequency ω0, known as the Larmor precession frequency:


This equation is identical to the equation that we have derived in the classical description [Eq. (2.5)].

Essential Concepts in MRI

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