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Defense capacity and protection of private property


Gard does not have a territory – everything is solved via the Internet on the appropriate platform. And here there are no contradictions with the developed countries-landowners, because on both sides, there is no claim either to natural resources or to strategically important military locations, which ensures the security and sovereignty of Gard.

But it is also worth mentioning that there must be a defense capacity of the Blockchain State. The protection of the integrity and every citizen is provided by a staff of lawyers, acting under the internal laws of the Gard and international Conventions, including the Declaration of Human Rights, defending democratic principles in friendly host countries. This right to protection is provided by the Gard budget and is considered in domestic and international courts.

The Blockchain State platform is located on numerous server and mining centers around the world. It is visualized for citizens in mobile and PC apps on various operating systems.

In order to protect a tangible property in the territory of other countries in which a citizen of Gard is physically present and/or owns a property is created. In this State, there is a base of private lawyers who have a patent to carry out their activities in the space of the Blockchain State. The database has ranking and complete information about each lawyer. The rating is formed based on the won and lost cases, and a system of filters is put in place for countries and specializations (for example, family law in Ireland, etc.).

For example, you have a property dispute on the housing issue in Germany, so you go to the platform with lawyers, put filters on Germany and housing law, get the rating of professionals with the number of won and lost cases, see information about them, their work experience, read comments made by people, choose a specialist, and ask him/her to take your case. Then he/she presents your rights in the court of Germany.

The Gard. The Blockchain State. Democracy of tomorrow

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