Читать книгу Kazakhstan's Assassinated Democracy - Yerzhan Psy.D. Dosmukhamedov - Страница 4



The development of emerging democracies has been overlooked. One such country is Kazakhstan, the oil-rich Central Asian republic best known for the hit mockumentary comedy movie «Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan».

Kazakhstan's progress has been held back by its autocratic ruling political elite. While it has been blessed by oil and natural gas resources, the country is riddled with corruption, human rights abuses and a despotic political hierarchy.

As a journalist and author who is fascinated by the rule of President Nazarbayev, I have come to know one of his most fearless, relentless and indefatigable opponents, Dr Yerzhan Dosmukhamedov.

Unlike many political activists, Dr Dosmukhamedov understands the power and importance of the media. He almost single-handedly projected the issue of the relationship between Kazakhstan's oligarchs and Prince Andrew onto the front page of The Sunday Times. He exposed the insidious activities of American lobbyists in Washington, D.C.

While political spin-doctors like Lord Bell are in the pay of dictators like the President of Belarus, it is refreshing to hear old fashioned campaigners call for basic democratic rights.

This book of interviews is an important reference point for all people interested in a democratic reform not just in Kazakhstan but throughout the Central Asian region.

Mark Hollingsworth

Kazakhstan's Assassinated Democracy

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