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6. Seance


The next morning, while Miranda was still sleeping, Aiden began to search for the psychic. And although he didn’t really believe in all these supernatural things and especially didn’t trust these people, who, he believed, were just good psychologists and cashing in on someone else’s grief, he still hoped to help his bride. He did not know whether she really saw Carolyn, or whether these visions were simply the fruit of her imagination, caused by such intense experiences because of the terrible and sudden death of her friend. But he believed her. He believed that she really saw and felt something. Aiden was supposed to help her somehow.

– Good morning, – going into the kitchen said Miranda.

– Good afternoon! – he answered her, – You slept for a long time. Sleep well?

– Oddly but yes.

– Did you not go to work? – she asked.

– Of course not. I can’t leave you alone after what happened.

– Thank you.

– Sit down You need to eat and… I found a couple of psychics. Look here. – he said and turned the laptop towards her. – Choose someone. If you want, we can invite them all.


In the evening the doorbell rang. Miranda opened the door and invited the guest to enter the living room. Aiden was waiting there. When he saw the woman entering the room, he could barely restrain his laugh. It was a fat lady of about fifty with short black hair and a “stone” face. She was wearing some kind of mourning black dress. On her neck is a thick silver chain with some kind of huge amulet. Almost every finger she wore silver rings with large gems. Black eyes, bright red lips and the same bright red long nails. In her hands she held a big black bag.

– Good evening, – with some kind of afterlife voice uttered a woman.

– Good evening, – Aiden answered her barely holding back his smile.

Miranda noticed this and walked over to the man.

– Stop it, – quietly, through clenched teeth, she hissed and turned to the guest. – Do you need anything for work? – she asked.

– No, Miss Morton, – said the woman in the same afterlife voice, – All i need i carry with me.

– No doubt, – whispered Aiden.

Miranda looked at him disapprovingly. Guest began to look around. With a stone look, she touched, it seemed, everything she could touch in the room. Miranda watched her curiously. And Aiden could not hold back his laughter.

– Where did you find her? In the circus? – he whispered softly.

– Aiden, please stop, – the girl whispered back to him.

– There’s someone here, – suddenly said a strange woman.

– Of course there is someone here, – Aiden could not resist to himself anymore. – And these “someone” here are three!

– Young man, – the woman was indignant, – If you thought of teasing me, I can leave now! I’m here to help Miss Morton! Not to entertain you!

– Aidan, please, stop it! – Miranda told him reproachfully.

– Okay okay i’m silent, – he answered and, looking at the funny woman, said:

– Sorry. Sorry, I will not interfere with your work. Honestly.

Miranda gently shoved him with her elbow.

– I need a table for my work, – said woman.

– Is a coffee table suitable? – Miranda asked, pointing to a small coffee table next to the sofa.

The woman looked at the table, and then looked disapprovingly at Miranda.

– Too low, – she said.

– Then maybe we can go to the kitchen? – suggested Miranda.

– There is a great table! – Aiden said loudly.

– In the kitchen? – the woman asked in surprise. – Not. You have been cooking something recently. Foreign smells can interfere with my work, – she declared and began to look around the room again.

– Foreign smells? – he quietly asked Miranda and after a moment added: – That is why from her so strongly stinks disgusting spirits. To kill all other smells!

– Stop it, – Miranda hissed again.

– Maybe you will transfer the table from the kitchen here? – suggested woman.

Miranda and Aiden looked at each other. “Is she kidding?” The man thought.

– I know! – suddenly Miranda said loudly.

Aiden and a strange woman looked at Miranda, in the expectation that she was going to say.

– A small, folding plastic table in the pantry, – she told Aiden.

– The one we take on a picnic? – he asked.

– Yes that, – answered Miranda, – Will you bring it? – she asked Aiden.

– I’ll bring it. But I will need your help.

– Help?

– Yes, let’s go, – Aiden said, and headed for the door to leave the room.

– Madame Josephine, – Miranda turned to the woman, – Will you wait a bit? We will bring you a table now.

– Sure, I will wait, – replied the woman sitting down on the sofa.


– Josephine? Madame Josephine? – Aiden asked Miranda when they were alone.

– Well yes. What?

– Oh God, Miranda, seriously, where did you find her?!

– In the Internet.

– But I showed you completely different people. I would never call such a clown here.

– I read reviews on her site. Everyone is happy with her work. And I opted for it. And enough about that. Like her or not, she is already here. Let’s get the table, – she commanded.

– Are you sure that this Madame Josephine will be satisfied with your plastic folding table? – pulling a small white square out of the closet, Aiden asked.

– She will be satisfied, do not worry, – Miranda answered him.


Aiden set the table in the center of the living room. Madame Josephine looked at him with a sort of dislike.

– I am so sorry, – putting his right hand to his chest and stooping a little, Aiden said to her. – We have nothing worthy of your majesty.

A strange woman opened her mouth and wanted to say something to Aiden at his rudeness, but Miranda suddenly shouted:

– Wait, wait!

The girl rushed to the dresser and quickly pulled out of it a large multi-colored tablecloth and set the table for her.

– That’s good, – she said smoothing the tablecloth with her hands.

– I need two chairs, – said Madame Josephine.

Taking a deep breath, Aiden left the room and after a minute came back with two chairs from the kitchen.

– Put them near the table opposite each other, – madame said in an commanding voice.

Aiden really wanted to say something to her, but noticing Miranda’s gaze on himself said nothing.

When the chairs were in their seats, Madame Josephine took her bag and put it on one of them. A couple of minutes on the table was already a crystal ball, several candlesticks with candles, some figurines, a pack of fortunetelling cards and some other trifle.

– Close the curtains and turn off the lights, – Madame commanded.

Miranda quickly went to the window and closed the curtains. She was already impatient to begin a seance as soon as possible. Then she looked at Aiden. He nodded back and turned off the light. In the room in an instant it was pitch dark.

Madame Josephine lit a big matchstick about an equally large matchbox and lit the candles. There was a kind of mystical atmosphere in the room.

Madame sat at the table.

– Sit down, – she said to Miranda and pointed to the chair opposite her.

Miranda dutifully sat down. Aiden stood right behind Madame.

– Mister … – not turning to him said madam.

– Davis. Aiden Davis, – said the man.

– Miste Davis, – said madam, – I see your skepticism… Do you believe in something or not – it’s your right. But I will ask you not to interfere with my work.

– As you say, – said Aiden.

– And be so kind, please, move away from me. – said madam.

Aiden stepped away a little and took a few steps back so as to see at least part of Madame Josephine’s face. Although he was very worried about Miranda and understood that what was happening now was just necessary for her, he also understood very well that this Madame psychic was just an ordinary charlatan. “At least she can somehow calm Miranda” – he hoped.

Aiden crossed his arms on the chest and began to observe what was happening.

The fat woman shifted in her chair and, sitting comfortably, took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

– Let’s get started, – looking at Miranda she said.

The girl nodded approvingly. Then Madame Josephine brought her hands with huge rings and with long bright red nails to the crystal ball and closed her eyes. Deathly silence reigned around. Madame sat like this for about a minute. Then, without opening her eye, she began to drive her hands over the ball and moaned.

– Mmmmm… Mmmmmm…

Aiden even closed his mouth with his hand holding back his laughter. And Miranda, wide-eyed, watched the woman with interest.

– I see! – opening her eyes, suddenly the woman said loudly in her otherworldly voice.

Miranda, in surprise, even jumped on a chair.

– I see, – repeated madam.

Madame Josephine looked straight at Miranda, but did not seem to see her. As if she was looking through the girl somewhere in space. And from this Miranda was a little uncomfortable.

– What? What do you see? – she asked quietly.

– I see a young woman on fire … – said madam.

– Oh my God… Carey … – Miranda breathed softly.

– Fire… Fire everywhere…

– Can you see what happened? – the girl asked with hope.

– I see a short young woman… Short dark hair… Brown eyes… Carolyn… Her name is Carolyn… I see… I see…

– What? What?

– She takes a plastic bottle with a flammable liquid… Drenches herself… Matches… Where are the matches? She is looking for… Looking for… Found… In the box is one single match… She gets a match… Striking a match on the box… Fire… Fire everywhere… She screams… It hurts… It hurts…

– Enough, please, stop! – suddenly Miranda screamed and covered her ears with her palms.

Aiden wanted to rush to her, but Madame was silent, and he stopped.

Madame stared at the girl.

– Does she come to you?

– Yes, yes, she comes to me, – Miranda nodded her head.

– Does she show you something? Does she speak? Why does she come to you?

– I don’t know… I don’t know… She… She seems to blame me for her death…

– But you are not to blame for her death.

– Not. I do not know… Sometimes I feel that I am guilty. Carolyn was my best friend!

– She blames you for her death because you blame yourself, – said madam. – You need to let her go so she can safely go to the world of spirits.

– Let her go? How?

– You need to talk to Carolyn.

– But how … – Miranda wanted to say something, but Madame interrupted her.

– Give me your hands, – she said and, across the table, stretched out her arms to the girl.

Miranda put her hands in the hands of Madame.

– Close your eyes, – said madam. – Close your eyes and think about Carolyn. This will help her to enter my body for a while, and you can talk to her.

Miranda closed her eyes and began to think about her deceased friend. A few minutes passed. But Miranda did not even notice how time flew by. And Aiden was looking forward to what happens next.

– Miranda … – suddenly said madam not in her own voice.

The girl opened her eyes and looked at the woman. She looked at her too.

– Carolyn? – the girl asked.

– It’s me, Miranda, – Madame replied and squeezed the hands of the girl a little.

– Ah, Carey…

Tears flowed from Miranda’s eyes.

– I’m so sorry… So sorry… I am so guilty… If it were not for me, you would not have bought this unfortunate apartment. Who knows, maybe then you would not do what you did…

– It would have happened anyway, – Madame speak not in her own voice. – This is not your fault, Miranda.

– Carey, honey, please tell me what happened then? Why did you do this? – the girl begged.

– That i can’t tell you, – answered madam.

– Please, Carolyn, tell me.

– Why didn’t you help me, Miranda? – suddenly asked madam. – I called you…

– I… I did not hear… I really did not hear… Forgive me, my dear Carey. I love you so much. Please forgive me, – the girl was crying.

– I have to go…

– No, no, Carolyn, wait! – Miranda cried out.

– I forgive you, Miranda, – said madam and let go of the girl’s hands.

– Carey, Carey…

– She left, – said Madame Josephine in her otherworldly voice. – Carolyn is gone. She won’t bother you again.

Miranda sighed heavily.

– What a pity she didn’t tell me why she did that.

– Some things must remain inside us, – said madam.

– Yes, maybe, – the girl agreed.

– Mister Davis, – the woman called loudly.

– Yes, madam, – he responded.

– Be so kind, turn on the light.

– Yes, madam, – he meekly said, and after a few seconds the room was as bright as day.

Madame extinguished the candles.

– My work here is finished, – she said and rose from the chair.

– Thank you, thank you, – Miranda thanked her while the woman put her magical things back in her bag.

– You’re welcome, Miss Morton. I did what I could.

– You helped me a lot, Madame Josephine, – said Miranda and handed her money.

Madame took the money. She put the money in the bag and closed it. Then she put her hand in her pocket and took out her business card.

– Here, take it, – said the woman and handed the business card to Miranda. – If you will need anything else – call me.

– Once again, thank you very much, – taking a business card said Miranda.

The girl escorted Madame Josephine to the door and a few minutes later returned to the living room. There, at the table where Madame had just sat, sat Aiden. He had some paper in his hands.

– You know, I almost believed her, – he said to Miranda who entered the room.

– What are you talking about? – she asked in confusion.

– Sit down, – said Aiden, and the girl sat opposite him.

– What is the problem? – she asked.

The man put in front of her the paper that he was holding.

– What is it? – asked Miranda.

– This is a newspaper clipping, – he explained.

– So what?

– And the fact that this article is about what happened to Carolyn. And this clipping fell out of the pocket of your almighty Madame Josephine, when she took out a business card.

– Oh my God, – exhaled Miranda and clutched her head with both hands, – What a fool I am!

– We are both fools, – grinned Aiden.

– And I so thanked her… This… This…

– Charlatan, – Aiden finished for her.

– Exactly, – Miranda nodded her head. – Do you know how much money she took?!

– I can imagine, – said Aiden, – But this show was worth it, – he smiled.

– You know, you were probably right about all these psychics…

– And here I thought about the opposite. Maybe someone really has some super abilities?

– What?! – Miranda was surprised, – Are you serious? You never believed it! And then, after this, as you called it a “show”, did you suddenly think that someone could really have super abilities?! – Miranda laughed.

– Strange, really … – he smiled, – But… yes.

– Well, – the girl said, – Then another “show” is waiting for you.

– Madame Clowness is not the only one you called? – Aiden asked.

– Yes. I called another one.

– Is she as funny as Josie?

– Josie? – Miranda grinned. – Like you’ve known her for a hundred years, and she’s your best friend, – said Miranda and, suddenly remembering Carolyn, visibly darkened.

– Sorry honey, – said Aiden, rising from his chair and walked over to the girl.

– Forgive me, – he said again and pressed her head to himself. – I know how important this is for you… And I am very sorry, indeed it is a pity that this Madame Josephine turned out to be just a soulless cheat. I really hoped she could help. I hoped that I was wrong…

– Do not need to apologizes, – Miranda said, – You are not guilty of anything.

The girl looked up at Aiden.

– No, she’s not as funny as Josie, – she smiled. – Just an elderly and, seemingly sweet, woman.

Morion Necklace

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