Читать книгу Attila. Play - Yunus Oghuz - Страница 4

I part
II scene


The curtain rises. The camp of the Huns. From a far distance their tents are seen. The head of the Huns, Munjuq and his brother Baybars are having a talk standing side by side.Nearby Shaman Mamash and Atakan are going to perform somehow ritual. Red bands are hung from the tree

Munjuq:– Baybars, my brother, our grandfather Oktar left these lands heritage for us. Do you remember, years ago how the people looked at us, we were absolutely new for the people of Roma and for Byzantines. They didn’t want to recognize us. But we showed them who we

were, thanks to our swords and horses.

Baybars:– You are right, my brother! But now all the other peoples want to be friend with us. Every year our neighbors send us precious stones and pay taxes in order to demonstrate their respect. The people of Roma and Byzantine often use our troops. When any tribe attacks Roma or Byzantine they ask us to help them. But still we have some problems and unsolved matters.

Munjuq:– Yes, you are right, my brother, we have some difficult problems.

Baybars:– My brother, I think that we must oblige the heads of the tribes to be much dependent from us. What do you think?

Munjuq :– I also think like you.

Baybars:-We must make the rules among the Huns much strictly. We must solve the problem of the fighters who bring few skulls from the battles grounds. You know that Iskits, who were our forefathers lived in these places many years ago. Thousand years ago our forefathers also did thus. Each of the Iskit fighters used to cut off

the head of the enemy and hang the skull from his waistband. After the fight each fighter used to show the cut off heads to one another. Who had more skulls that fighter used to be considered more respected among the tribe and was too close to the head of the tribe.

Munjuq :– Yes, you are right. But all these happened thousand years ago. At that time there wasn’t the empire of Roma and the empire of Byzantine.

Baybars:– What has changed since that time? Didn’t the same fighting tactics remain from them? Simply, we, Huns restored the fighting tactics remained us from our forefathers and try to the domination in the world. But in order to be ruling all over the world we must try much… too much…

Munjuq :-My grandfather Oktar used to tell me that one day the king of the Pers, Dara, wanted to fight against the Iskits living in these places, for to make them obey them, and together with 700 thousand fighters came to these lands. The Iskits made them follow them so much that, at last the troops of Dara became too tired and became too thirsty. As a result of being thirsty and shortage of food created illness among the troops of the king of Pers.

Baybars:– Within two months the fighters of the king died because of the illness.

Munjuq:– It is true. At last the king of Pers wrote a letter to my grandfather, for at least there to be one fight among them, for him not to be disgraceful in the world. My grandfather agreed with him. Two troops stood face to face. The Iskits saw that Pers were too tired that they didn’t have any strength to fight. The Iskits didn’t want to fight against the weak Pers. They decided to let a rabbit run between the two troops. They did in this way. Instead of fighting the Iskits began to run after the rabbit. They sent news to the king of Pers that his soldiers are as weak as a running rabbit.

Baybars :( laughs) -They thought the matter of rabbit very well. Do you imagine, the Iskits are running after a rabbit and Pers are astonished with surprise why they are running.

Munjuq :– Yes, it is funny. My grandfather Oktar used to retell me that the king of Pers, Dara, never met across such a disgrace. Do you know, the king of Pers, Dara, had come to the lands of Iskits with about a troop of 700 thousand fighters. Without entering a fight, he returned back

losing three parts of his fighters. They say that while dying he made his will to his children for they never go to the fight against the Iskits.

Munjuq:( sighs deeply) -Well, well! In order to return those glorious days, in order to take under our authority the lands beginning from the Caspian Sea up the last sea, you are right, it is necessary to oppress a little the heads of the tribes.

Baybars:-No, my brother, we mustn’t oppress them little, but too much. We must oppress so that not depending on where they are know that they are our subjects. They must always remember this.

Munjuq:– Not only the heads of the tribes, also the people of Roma and Byzantine must remember this too.

Baybars:– Our subjects must know that to run to Roma or Byzantine has no use. At any case Byzantine and Roma will return them to us.

Munjuq :-Yes, my brother, whatever you say is right. But know let’s celebrate two important events and still forget the difficult problems.

Baybars:( looks at his brother surprisingly) – My brother, I know that today is a Shaman day. (with his hands he shows the Shamans who are standing near) But what is the second important event?

Munjuq :– My brother, side by side with the day of Shaman it is also our happy day.

Baybars:-For God’s sake! Speak openly! I understand nothing. Why is today our happiest day?

Munjuq :– My brother, today our heir will be born.

Baybars:– You mean that, the heir of the Huns?

Munjuq:– Yes. Some minutes ago they brought me the news that my wife is going to give birth. According to the information I got, her pains have already begun.

Baybars:-Is it right, my brother Munjuq? What a good news! Our heir will be born. Your news made me glad. You can’t imagine this news how made me glad. This day will be a special day. Well, my brother, but how do you know that our heir is going to be born? Maybe a daughter

will be born? Who said you all the news?

Munjuq:( turns towards ShamanAtakam) -My brother, Shaman said this news. Shaman. I had given tasks a month ago, he was busy with this problem. (he raises the tone of his voice) Father Shaman, please, come a bit nearer. (Shaman Atakam approaches them)

Shaman Atakam:– Please, I listen to you.

Munjuq :– Father Shaman, tell my brother Baybars, how you told fortunes with the help of the bones? He doesn’t believe that the heir of the Huns will be born.

Shaman Atakam:– Bashbuq Munjuq is right, Baybars! The heir of the Huns will be born! And this heir will not be an ordinary one.

Baybars:( with interest) – For God’s sake, Father Shaman! What kind of heir will he be?

At this time around the Shaman drums the women and men gather

Shaman Atakam :( shows the people with his hand) -It is right, Baybars, my brother! This heir won’t be an ordinary. I don’t want to drawl the talk. Because after some time ceremony of Day of Shaman will begin.

Baybars:– For God’s sake! Tell me or my heart is breaking. How will be the heir of the Huns? Is it right that he will be special heir?

Munjuq:– Well, Father Shaman, tell in short. Or for my brother Baybars will not be Day of Shaman, God knows what day it will be.

ShamanAtakam :– Yes, I shall tell. Respected Baybars! A month ago Bashbuq Munjuq gave me a task to tell fortune with bones in order to find

an answer to the question of “will the Huns have a heir?”

Baybars:-Could you tell fortune with bones?

Shaman Atakam:-I told the fortune. I learned that this heir won’t be only the heir but also… (pause)

Baybars:– Father Shaman! My heart is breaking! Don’t wear me out! Continue!

Shaman Atakam:– There will be born such a heir that he will conquer all around the world! Everybody will shake hearing his name. He will go till the

gates of Roma and Byzantine. All people will pay taxes to the Huns for him. He will be emperor!

Baybars:( joyfully) – Even he will be emperor?

Shaman Atakam :– Yes, yes, the emperor of the Huns! But there is an obstacle!

Munjuq:- What is this obstacle, Father Shaman?

Shaman Atakam:– If he finds “God’s sword” at that time he will rule the whole world.

Baybars:– But if he doesn’t find?

Shaman Atakam:– If he doesn’t find he will be only the Bashbugh of the Huns.

Munjuq :– Well, Father Shaman, what do the bones show? Will the heir find “God’ s sword” or not?

Shaman Atakam:– The bones show that he will be the ruler of the world. Goy Tanri Writes the fortune of human. To make beautiful and to enrich life is in the hands of human himself.

Baybars :– May it be he can’t find the sword?

Shaman Atakam:-Everything depends on the will of Goy Tanri. One point is known that the God will send the heir to our rivals like misfortune.

Baybars:-My brother Munjuq! Let our Goy Tanri save the heir of the Huns!

Munjuq:– Let the God hear your prays, my brother Baybars!

Shaman Mamash:( comes nearer to them) -Bashbugh Munjuq, the people have gathered, if you allow, we begin our Day of Shaman ceremony.

Munjuq:-Of course, of course, you may begin the ceremony! All the tribes of the Huns gathered here on this purpose. Today is a happy day. Father Shaman, they say that on the holiday of the

Day of Shaman Goy Tanri opens the doors of the sky. Is it right?

Shaman Munjuq; – It is true, Bashbugh Munjuq! Today the messengers of Goy Tanri comes down on the earth, and carries out the prays of all the people.

Baybars:– I also wish that all you and my brother Munjuq said about the heir be true!

Munjuq, Atakam, Mamash:( together) – Let Goy Tanri adopt the prays!

Shaman Atakam:– Bashbugh Munjuq, if you allow, we should begin our ceremony!

Munjuq:-Begin, Father Shaman, begin your ceremony!

Shaman Mamash and Shaman Atakam take their drums and stand in the middle of the men and women forming a ring. While beating the drums Atakam says loudly: -Ehey, the randchildren of Iskits, the sons of the Huns! I congratulate your Day of Shaman! Let Goy Tanri support you! Let Goy Tanri be your supporter!

All the people: (shout together) -Huu… u

Shaman Mamash:– We came to life build ways! We wake up to build ways! We speak for to build ways! This way is the way on which Goy Tanri goes!

All:( shout together) – Way….Hu…u…u…ey ey…

Shaman Mamash:– Happy new way!

All:( shout together) – Happy ….Hu …u ….u

Mamash:– Let our hu… u reach to the spirits of all the Huns, those who came to life and passed away, those who will come to life and will pass away… Hu… u…u

Again all the people shout:( together) -Hu….u…u…ey …ey..

Shaman Mamash :( looks at the sky) – Is there among you those who moved off the way of Goy Tanri? If there is anybody who moved off, let Goy Tanri close this ways!

All the people shout:( together) – Let Goy Tanri close! Ey …ey..

Shaman Mamash:( looks at the earth) -Did those who fight, reconcile with each other or not?

All the people shout:( together) – Yes, they reconciled! Hu… u…u

Shaman Mamash:– Did those who fell out reconcile with each other or not?

All the people shout:( together) -Yes, they reconciled! Hu… u…u..

Shaman Mamash:– Do you do everything honestly?

All the people shout:( together) – Honestly! Hu….u….u…

ShamanMamash:( looks at towards Bashbugh Munjuq) -Does our Bashbugh take care of the Huns?

All the people:-Yes, he takes care! Hu… u…u..

Shaman Mamash:– Let Goy Tanri be supporter to our Bashbugh!

All the people:– Let be supporter! Ey… ey… ey..

Shaman Mamash:( looks at Baybars and the warlords surrounding him) -Did our Baybars bey, and the beys surrounding him want to move off the battles?

All the people shout:( together) – No, they didn’t! Hu… u…u…

Shaman Mamash:-Let Goy Tanri be their supporters!

All shout:( together) -Let be supporters! Hu… u….u…

Shaman Mamash:( looks at the young boys and girls) – Are our young people ready tomarry?

Young boys and girls:– We are ready! Hu… u…u..

Shaman Mamash:-Let Goy Tanri help you achieve your wishes!

All the people:( together) – Let you achieve wishes! Hu… u… Ey …ey..

At this time Shaman Atakam begins to sing in a low voice beating the drums:

– He who goes, goes for to move

In order to taste what the love is.

He who comes, comes to choose

He who goes, goes to rightness.

All people shout:( together) – He who goes, goes to rightness! Hu… u…u… Ey… ey..

Shaman Atakam :( continues in his singing)

– He who goes, becomes ignorant,

Body becomes murderer of soul

The spirit is known from inside

He who goes, goes rightness!

All peopleshout :( together) – He who goes, goes to rightness! Hu… u… Ey… ey…

Shaman Atakam:-Shaman doesn’t cut gold,

He isn’t tired of pains.

His body doesn’t shake in ways,

He who goes, goes to rightness!

All shout: (together) – He who goes, goes to rightness! Hu… u… ey… ey..

Shaman Atakam beats the drum much loudly. Shaman Mamash replaces Shaman Atakm, stands in the middle of the people, beats the drum and sings. The boys and girls are forming a ring:

– The fire is known from its embers,

The hero is known with his words.

Attila. Play

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