Читать книгу Nader Shah. Historical novel - Yunus Oghuz - Страница 8
Qazvin, 1723
ОглавлениеThe troops of Mahmud Shah had first enclosed Qazvin, then they sent a messenger to the ruler of the city and demanded them to give Tahmasb Mirza to the Afghans. The ruler of the city told the messenger that Tahmasb Mirza wasn’t in Qazvin and if he was in the city he would never give him to the Afghans. Only after the ruler’s words, the Afghans attacked the city with about troop of ten thousand fighters. The fortress walls of the city were not firm, which was why in the third day of the blockade it was broken and the city yielded to the Afghans after intensive battles. The real tragedies began after the blockade. The Afghans hung the ruler of Qazvin at the gate of the city. In the city robbery, killing, destroying and firing began.
The population of the city had never seen such a situation. The people of the city were losing their patience.
…The mullabashi of Qazvin had also never seen such kind of cruelty. That was why he was thinking about a way out. He secretly informed the beys of Qazvin to be ready; in due time he would pronounce Fetwa17 to clear off the city from the Afghans. The beys, rich people and simple devout persons tried to hide themselves and were defending their families.
That night the mullabashi was waiting for the beylerbeyi18 of Qazvin. The beylerbeyi Husam was a brave person at the age of thirty. When he heard about the arrogance of the Afghans he couldn’t bear it. He flew into a rage. When he sent news to the mullabashi that he wanted to say something to him Husam was pleased with the answer he received. The mullabashi promi sed to give him any assis- tance he needed. The Afghans were becoming ungovernable day after day.
At midnight the door of the home of mullabashi was knocked quietly. Though mullabashi knew who was behind the door he said:
– My children, go to the door, somebody is knocking at the door.
The man who knocked at the door was Husam. He entered the room and said: “Good evening!”
The mullabashi stood up, put his hands on his chest and answered him: “Good evening, bey!” He showed him a cushion and asked him to sit.
There were a lot of bookshelves in the room. The mullabashi had read a great deal; he was an educated person. He approached any probl em correctly, according to the rules allowed by “Qur’ani-Kerim”. That was why he was respected by all the people in Qazvin. Most people appealed him in those troubled days knowing about his respect.
The mullabashi arranged himself comfortably on the cushion and asked the beylerbeyi:
– What news in the city, Husam bey?
The beylerbeyi answered, smoothing his moustaches:
– The news is that there is grief, misfortune and meanness in the city! – Our honor has been hurt and disgraced. After some days we must tie a kerchief round our heads.
The mullabashi didn’t consider getting angry was acf ceptable:
– Have patience, Husam bey! Your flying into a rage may harm us. If we start fighting before its time the people can be killed.
– Mullah, the people are being killed. Listen to me, what those cruel Afghans have done. Two drunk Afghans stopped a widow who has four children, in the street and asked about the place where she lived. That poor woman said that she didn’t live far from there. The drunken Afghans began gofng after her. As soon as the woman entered her home, the Afghans also rushed in after her. The hopeless woman took a frying pan and struck the head of one of them. Her children ran outside and began to shout…Those cruel Afghans firstly raped the woman, then choked her. When the neighbors came and saw that they had killed the woman, the neighbors also killed two Afghans, and hid their dead bodfes. Now Afghans are lookfng for everywhere to find them. After that accident they have a good opportunity to meddle everywhere.
The mullabashi said in a miserable, mournful voice:
– I know all you told, Husam bey! – I even know worse than you told! Religion and faith are hurt.
– What are we waiting for?
– The time.
– When will the time come?
– If they behave like thus and make all the people fly into a rage the time will come soon, Husam! Tell me how is the preparation of fighting of the beys?
– I also want to speak about preparation, mull ah! My brave boys are ready. They are waiting for the day when all the people will begin fighting. We have gathered two thousand brave boys having swords and all are ready to fight. When will the time you speak about come?
The mullabashi sighed deeply:
– In fact, the day that we are waiting for has come today. But we wasted a chance, what a pity!
– What does it mean “we wasted the chance?”
– Pay attention to my words, Husam! If we don’t make all the people begin fighting, if the people stay in their homes, the struggle will be strangled in the sea of blood! Today we could use the tragedy of that woman. We had to gather the people, firstly, we had to rouse them, so we can begin to revolt. Revolt for honor, manliness, self -respect… But the neighbors were frightened, they hid the dead bodies of two Afghans because of belong frightened. They showed themselves as though they knew nothing about the accident. The unhappy woman was buried secretly.
The beylerbeyi thought for a while and said pitifully:
– You are right, mullah! We missed a good chance, which we could use. Nobody thought about it.
– Nobody thought, but you must think about it now, Husam bey! If such a kind of tragedy happens once more, you must act immediately. Also ask your brave boys to get in the way and not to let the Afghans help each another.
– All right, mullah!
– If it is thus, be ready, Husam bey! I hope that the time of this revolt won’t be late.
The beylerbeyi thought that the mullabashi was going to finish talking and he stood up:
– Well, allow me go away, I must meet with the beys tomorrow, I must tell them about our conversation.
The mullabashi also stood up. He shook hands with the beylerbeyi and said to him: “Good night!” When Husam bey left mullabashi took the Qur’an, opened it, put his hand on any sentence and read the sentence after intending to follow it in his heart. He thought a bit about the sentence that he read in the Arabian language and smiled with pleasure. Then he blew out the lamp on the niche.
…It was winter, the morning came late. At seven o’clock in the morni ng, the door of the home of mullabashi was knocked noisily. The mullabashi had just finished his morning ritual worship, he was awake, and closing the Qur’an he was reading went out to the yard:
– I am coming, who are you?
Behind the door, there were heard rude words:
– Open the door, be quick, hurry!
The mullabashi opened the door. There were three Afghan fighters at the gate. The mullabashi asked:
– What for have you come? What do you want?
One of the fighters said:
– It is the order of the vice-regent. He ordered us to look into each home as two of our fighters disappeared.
The mullabashi said severely:
– This is the home of the mullabashi in Qazvin. If you lost your fighters go and look for them in other places. Maybe they drank too much and are sleeping in one of the cellars.
– We don’t know anything. We have been ordered to search for them everywhere. We must look for them!
The fighters said thus and wanted to squeeze themselves into the room.
“Maybe the time to fight has come” – The mullabashi thought. It was necessary to draw these fighters to enable the fighting to begin. It was possible to win over the enemy even with one’s death like Imam Husain. Imam had left such a kind of sign in Karbala so that thanks to him the religion of Islam was supported. Couldn’t he save his city and his people by continuing his tradition? The mullabashi came to a final decision and blocked the fighters with his tall body:
– My home is the place where the terms of shariat are kept! I won’t allow you who do slovenly work to enter my cell and disgrace my self-esteem:
– Renegades! Leave my home!
The Afghan fighters began to suspect him. One of them pushed the mullabashi on his breast.
– Don’t stand in our way, old witch!
Though the mullabashi didn’t fall he staggered. Then he said loudly “Bismillahir-rehmanir-rehim” and rushed to – wards them. He caught the collar of the fighter before him, attack-ng his face with his head. The attack covered the fighter’s face in blood and the mullabashi fell on the floor.
…The children were running in the streets and shouting: “They killed mollabashi! The Afghans killed the mollabashi!”
A crowd was going towards the home of the mollabashi. The popul ation of the city came running and after some time not only in the yard but also in the streets there were a lot of people. Husam bey also had come. He was looking at the faces, the eyes of the people. There was hatred, fury against the Afghans. “It was the proper time. That is to say the mullabashi sacri ficed himself for the freedom of the city. Husam bey thought thus and clenched his fist. Then he whispered into the ears of the beys standing near him, setting tasks. The beys went away somewhere in a hurry.
The mullahs were speaklng to one another in a low voice. They pursued different thoughts about the death of the mollabashi. Husam bey looked at them and shook his head ironically. The mullabashi wouldn’t be buried under the black soil like the inhabitant of the defeated city! They didn’t have to miss this chance. He put a stump under his feet, stood on it and spoke loudly:
– People! Our wise respected elder, the mullabashi of the people, sacrificed himself on the route to the freedom of our city! We must not agree to bury him when the enemies are in Qazvin, like a minister of religion of a defeated city! – He raised his voice. – If our city hasn’t been freed the mullabashi can’t be buried with respect! His spirit won’t forgive us!
The crowd shouted: “It is right”, “Death to the Afghans”, “It is the time to begin to Jihad!19”.
The beylerbeyi understood that the time to fight had come. He unsheathed his sword and raised his sword above his head and said furiously:
– Kill the sons of bitches!
It was as if the crowd was waiting for his shouting and their glittered swords and poniards were raised above their heads. The sound of roaring grew greatly and the people raged and moved along the street…
…After some time swords, spears, axes and pitch-forks began to collide with one another. The arrows began flying, guns began shooting, and the stone-hearted Afghans were covered in their own blood. The voices of “Allahu -Akber” of the powers which started the attack spontaneously shuddered the city. Then the fights became more regulated and became even more aggravated.
Qazvin was divided into parts. The group of Husam bey was the main fighting part. Wherever they saw a fighting Afghan they fought against him. All the people were fighting against the Afghans. Streets, walls and doors were covered in blood. The fighting Afghans removed themselves towards the gate of the city. By the ritual worship of the afternoon the larger part of the Afghan fighters were killed. The people of the city were inspired and they thought that no one could defeat them. At last they drove out the last Afghan fighter too and began to shout “Allahu -Akber!”, “Ya Husain”. The people wanted their victorious exclamations even reach to the heavens.
In the streets were hung the dead bodies of eight thousand Afghan fighters Only about two thousand fighters escaped from the revolt of Qazvin and with difficulty ran away to Isfahan. When they spoke to Mahmud khan about the incident, he couldn’t believe his ears. Then he got so angry that he sentenced to death about five hundred Safavids who were captives. He didn’t sentence to death only Sultan Husain and his two sons.
…The loss of Qazvin had shaken Mahmud Shah’s nerves. After some time his nerves were strongly shocked. He behaved as though mad. At last the Afghans were sick of his madness and illness, they began thinking about what measures to take. They offered the throne to Mahmud khan’s nephew, Ashraf bey. Ashraf bey accepted that proposal and he killed his uncle and declared himself Shah.
Judgement of a Muslim jurist.
The head of the beys.
A sacred war