Читать книгу Lies And Lullabies: Courting the Cowboy Boss - Джанис Мейнард, Yvonne Lindsay - Страница 20



Case’s mood soured. Was Mellie tempted by Logan Wade’s offer? Surely not. But the other man was definitely popular with women. They loved his easy-going personality.

Case shoved aside the unwelcome realization that Mellie might be looking for something more than Case wanted to offer. He had enjoyed the evening more than he’d thought he would. But right now he was focused on the after-party.

He hoped Mellie was on the same page, because he was wired and hungry. For a brief moment he thought about heading straight to the ranch. It was possible once they got to Mellie’s house, she would change her mind.

At a stop sign, in the glare of a streetlight, he studied her profile. “Penny for your thoughts,” he said lightly. Surely she wasn’t actually thinking about Logan’s smooth flirtation. The other rancher was only trying to needle Case.

When she gave Case her full attention, her luminous, deep eyes drew him in. For a moment, he thought she wasn’t going to answer. Then she drew a visible breath. “Will you tell me about your wife?”

The question was way down on the list of things he’d expected her to say. “Is that a prerequisite for tonight?”

“I didn’t mean to make you angry.”

“I’m not angry,” he said, gripping the steering wheel. “But it’s old news.”

“I’d still like to know. Please...”

He shrugged, wishing he had loosened his bow tie. “I was young and stupid. Leslie worked for my dad. She saw me as a meal ticket, I guess. Dad tried to warn me...suggested a prenup. But I refused. We’d been married for six months when Leslie cleaned out two of my bank accounts and skipped the country.”

“I am so sorry. You must have been devastated.”

“She didn’t break my heart, if that’s what you’re thinking. But she sure as hell damaged my pride and my self-respect.”

“Because you couldn’t see through her?”

“Yeah. I guess I wanted to believe I was irresistible.”

“You are, as far as I’m concerned. I’m not in the habit of having sleepovers with men I’ve known all of about ten minutes.”

In her voice he heard an echo of the same reservations that plagued him. He pulled up in front of her house and put the car in Park. “This isn’t the norm for me, either, Mellie. And I might point out that I offered you fifty grand as an investment, but you turned it down. So I’m hoping it’s my charm and wit that won you over.”

As an attempt at humor, it fell flat.

Mellie’s small white teeth worried her lower lip. “Maybe that was a ploy on my part to get you to trust me.”

“Go get your toothbrush,” he urged, his voice hoarse. “I can’t wait much longer.”

She stared at him, her hands plucking restlessly at the tiny ruffles on her skirt. Despite their current locale, she reminded him of a mermaid, luring a man into the deep.

“Is this a one-night stand, Case?”

“It’s not anything yet.” He sighed. “I can’t imagine letting you go after only one night.”

“But you agree that the two of us are temporary.”

His temper boiled over, exacerbated by lust and uncertainty. “Damn it, Mellie. Do you want this or not?”

She swallowed, and he saw her chest rise and fall. “Wait here,” she said. “I’ll be back.”

Twelve minutes and thirty-seven seconds. That was how long it took. When he saw the door to her house open, he jumped out of the car and met her, taking the small overnight bag and tossing it in the trunk.

She was still wearing her mermaid gown, which was a good thing, because he had fantasies of all the ways he wanted to peel the silky fabric away from her creamy-skinned body. He helped her into the car, waited until she tucked her skirt inside and closed the door.

The drive out to the ranch was silent. The miles ticked by rapidly. His brain was a jumble of wants and needs and more angst than was warranted in advance of a simple sexual encounter.

When he pulled up in front of his house, he realized he’d forgotten to leave a single light on. Through the windshield, he saw the night sky punctuated with a million stars. One of the many things he loved about living in Texas was the immensity of the universe overhead.

Every male instinct he possessed urged him to drag Mellie up the stairs and into his bed ASAP. But he wanted to woo her, to win her trust, to make her comfortable with him.

“Can you walk in those shoes?” he asked.

She nodded. “As long as we’re not talking a marathon.”

“I want to show you something.”

Once they were out of the car, he took her hand in his and led her toward the small corral to the left of the house. Though it was often empty, tonight a single horse stood sentinel.

“This is Misty,” he said. “I bought her recently. I thought you and I might ride together sometime.”

The small mare whinnied and cantered toward them, her tale swishing in the cool night air.

Mellie leaned on the fence rail, her expression animated. “She’s beautiful. But I don’t know how to ride.”

Case raised an eyebrow. “A Texas woman who can’t handle a horse? Shame on you.” He lifted her by the waist and set her on the railing. Her skirt fluttered around his arms like a swarm of butterflies. “I’d love to teach you...if you’re willing.”

His guest’s smile was demure. “I’m sure you could teach me all sorts of things.”

And just like that, he reached his limit. Moving between her legs, he dragged her head down for a kiss. Hot and hard and deep. The mare lost interest and wandered away. Case lost his head and wandered into dangerous territory.

Mellie in the shimmer of the moonlight was just about the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. Her hair was more pale gold than red in this moment. And her skin glowed like pearls.

“Inside,” he groaned. “Where there’s a bed.”

Her husky laugh inflamed him. “I thought you’d never ask.”

As he lifted her down from her perch, he couldn’t bear to let her go. Instead, he scooped her into his arms and carried her toward the stairs that led to the porch.

Mellie curled one arm around his neck. He smelled her, felt her, tasted her on his tongue. Everything about the night turned mystical and enchanting. And he’d never once seen himself as a whimsical man.

He caught his toe on the second step and nearly sent them both to disaster. But he managed to find his balance. “Sorry,” he muttered.

She put a hand on his cheek, her fingertips cool against his hot skin. “I’m not complaining. This is my very first experience with being swept off my feet. I think you’re doing just fine.”

Managing the final few stairs with only a little hitch in his breathing, he set her down long enough to fish the house key out of his pocket. “Fine is a sucky adjective.”

He pulled her into the house and flipped the lock, backing his lovely guest up against the barrier that separated them from the outside world. Taking one of her delicate wrists in each of his big hands, he raised her arms over her head and pinned her to the door. “I don’t know where to start,” he said, utterly serious. “I’ve dreamed about you every night for a week.”

“I hope the reality isn’t a disappointment. I haven’t done this in a very long time.”

His lips quirked. “I’m told it’s like riding a bike.”

“Or a big, strong cowboy?” The deliberately naughty challenge nearly broke him.

“It’s a long night,” he said. “I don’t want us to peak too early.”

Peak? Interesting choice of words.”

“Shut up and let me kiss you,” he groaned. He wasn’t holding her all that tightly. One wiggle or protest from Mellie and she would be free. But to his everlasting relief, she didn’t seem to mind being his captive.

He pressed the weight of his lower body against hers. Still holding her arms over her head, he kissed the side of her neck, nuzzled the spot just below her ear. “You put something in my food last week,” he complained. “Some drug that makes me want you incessantly.”

She nipped his chin with sharp teeth. “I’m no femme fatale. Maybe you’ve been on a celibate streak. Maybe I’m available. Maybe you’re grateful that I didn’t leave you alone to suffer that first night.”

He had to let her go so he could touch her. Reverently, he covered her breasts with his hands. Clearly she wasn’t wearing a bra. And just as clearly, her firm, young flesh was made for his caress. Her nipple budded beneath the silky fabric as he brushed his thumb back and forth.

“I don’t know what it is,” he admitted. “And I don’t care. But I need you tonight, Mellie. More than you know.”

Again he picked her up, and again her head came to rest over his heart. He traversed the halls of his quiet dark house by memory, avoiding furniture and other pitfalls. In his bedroom, he paused. Mellie hadn’t said a word. Was she shy? Having second thoughts?

“Talk to me,” he said. “Tell me what you want.”

The drapes at the windows were open wide. In the ambient light he saw enough of her smile to be reassured that she wanted the same things he did, though she didn’t obey his demand for her to speak.

Gently, he set her on her feet and spun her around until he could reach the single fastening at the nape of her neck. He slipped the beaded button free of the buttonhole and eased the entire bodice of the dress to her waist.

The room was hushed, every molecule of air quivering with anticipation. Opposite them, the mirror over his dresser reflected a ghostly tableau. When he embraced her from behind and dragged her back against his pelvis, they both groaned.

It was torture to shape her bare breasts with his hands. He wanted to see her fully, but there was something wickedly sensual about their dim, shadowy figures in the glass.

At last he turned her to face him. A few inches of zipper at the base of her spine gave way beneath his questing fingers, and then he held her hand as she stepped out of the dress.

She tapped his throat with a fingertip. “Your turn.”

He had to wait, chest heaving as she fumbled with his bow tie and unfastened the studs down his front. When that was done, he shrugged out of his jacket and shirt and tossed them aside far more recklessly than he had her soft gown.

With Mellie standing in front of him clad in nothing but stilettos and undies, he was a wreck. “Time out,” he croaked.

At this particular moment he didn’t have either the patience or the fortitude to make it through a slow undressing. He kicked off his shoes, ripped off his socks, and shucked his pants and boxers in short order.

Totally nude, he snagged her wrist and drew her back into his embrace. “Leave the shoes on,” he begged.

“Whatever you want, cowboy.” Her voice was warm as honey on a summer day. He heard arousal and humor in equal measures.

His erection bobbed eagerly against her belly, but she didn’t seem to mind. He ran his hands over her satin-covered butt, imagining all the ways he was going to take her. “This first round might be fast and furious, but we’ve got all night.” It was a promise and a reminder to himself. He could afford to be patient...maybe.

One last time, he indulged in the pleasure of carrying her, this time to the king-size bed. He flipped back the covers and deposited her on the mattress. After striking a match to the small candle on the bedside table, he lowered himself at her side and splayed a hand against her flat belly. “I have condoms,” he said flatly. “I would never take chances with you.”

He wanted her to know she could trust him.

Mellie wasn’t shy. At least not anymore. One hand closed around his shaft and stroked lazily.

He sucked in a sharp breath, mortifyingly close to embarrassing himself. “Let’s save that part for later, darlin’, when I’m not so trigger-happy.”

She released him. “If you say so.”

The only reason he’d been at all able to hold himself in check was that he’d let her keep her last item of clothing. But now it was time for the panties to go. When he slid them down her legs, the nylon snagged on the sharp heel of one shoe. “I’ll buy you more,” he swore. “A dozen pairs in every color of the rainbow.”

Without warning, she rolled to her stomach, arms cradling her head. “You could massage my back,” she said, her voice muffled. “All that standing and dancing in heels isn’t easy.” She bent her knees and crossed her ankles in the air, taunting him with the sexy pose.

At least he thought that was what she was doing. Maybe she didn’t understand how damned sexy she looked. Telling himself he was no rookie kid in the bedroom, he straddled her waist and settled his thumbs on either side of her spine. With firm pressure, he moved from her bottom to her shoulders in steady increments.

Mellie’s hands fisted in the sheets. “Damn, you’re good,” she mumbled. “This is better than sex.”

He caressed every inch of her back. Up and down. Back and forth. “Not even close.”

When her body was lax and warm, he reached for the handful of small foil packets he’d put in easy reach. He sheathed himself rapidly, then flipped her to her back and positioned himself between her legs.

Mellie watched him, eyelids drooping, cheekbones flushed with color, arms over her head. “You’re a very beautiful man,” she said quietly, her gaze raking him from chest to groin.

Gripping her hips, he shoved deep in one forceful thrust. He didn’t realize he had closed his eyes until he saw tiny yellow spots of light that pulsed in time with his heartbeat. The fit was perfect.

Lies And Lullabies: Courting the Cowboy Boss

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