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Dear Reader,

I’m frequently asked by readers, and sometimes just those who are curious, where I get my ideas. It often makes me pause and wonder, too.

Essentially, my story ideas evolve from a trigger. That trigger can be a snippet I might hear on the news or a line from a song’s lyrics, or even a picture of a house. Once that trigger does its stuff, my mind is stimulated to twist and turn the snippet, or the line from the song, into a gazillion “what if” scenarios. The same, too, with a picture of a house. What kind of people live there? How long has this house been a part of them? Is it even a part of them and, if not, why not?

With The Pregnancy Contract, there were various triggers and one of the key ones is a very lovely historical home, called Alberton, in the city where I live. I haven’t visited the house recently, but the memory of previous visits always lingers inside me. And with those memories, the very strong impression that it was very much a “family” home. So then I started to wonder—what if someone had taken for granted that this family home would always be there, always be theirs? What if, one day, they came home and it wasn’t?

I hope you enjoy The Pregnancy Contract. It was a very emotional story to write and one that made me sigh with satisfaction when Piper and Wade finally reached their happy ever after.

Happy reading!

Yvonne Lindsay

The Pregnancy Contract

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