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What’s the Perfect Solution?


Can we offer you the perfect solution? Not really, because each person’s needs are somewhat different and the world is very complex. We have, however, summarized the best strategies, those that have brought improvement for literally thousands of people, based on experience with training and coaching the most diverse range of people – from entry-level employees to managers, as well as world-class experts in their field. Our concepts, principles, and tips will allow you to incorporate your own personal style and to prioritize and pick out the things that are the most appropriate for you personally.

You want to manage more in less time? Who doesn’t want that! Most people, at some point during their lives, deal with the topics of personal effectiveness, time management, setting goals, and saving time. Two reasons typically play a role here. One trigger may be that people notice that the tasks and demands are continuously on the increase, and they wonder, “How on earth can I manage all of this?” It happens often that a department has ten employees, and then one retires and another transfers to a new job. Since these two are not replaced, the department is left with eight employees for the work of ten. If you are familiar with such a situation you are not an exception.

The second reason for people to concern themselves with questions of effectiveness and time management is that they notice, “Somehow I seem to manage everything somehow, but the stress level keeps rising.” One result of this can be the habit of taking more and more of our work home with us – both physically and psychologically. We take some work home with us for the weekend – just to cart it back to work on Monday morning, along with our guilty conscience. Once again, we didn’t manage to finish everything that was expected of us.

Maybe you also know the feeling of being excited when 5 PM rolls around – not because your workday is over, but rather because now you can finally concentrate on the really important tasks without having other people bothering you. The provocative question we would like to ask at this point is this: What exactly were you doing up until 5 PM? Everyone has a day full of emergencies now and then; but if it wasn’t such a day, then most likely your usage of time and your regulation of your own accessibility offer room for improvement.

From Time Management to Time Intelligence

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