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False positives


At the June 3, 2017 UEFA Champions League Final in Cardiff, Wales, the South Wales Police used facial recognition to scan the crowd for known criminals. The system flagged 2,470 potential matches with custody pictures, but 92 percent of those matches were false positives.

In 2018, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) used Amazon’s Rekognition face recognition software with default settings to search a publicly available arrest-photo database using the headshot photos of all 535 members of the U.S. Congress. The software incorrectly matched 28 of them with a criminal in the database. In 2019, the ACLU ran the same exercise for the California legislature and got 26 false positives out of 120 legislators.

For now, it seems that you can’t turn over identifying a person to the facial recognition algorithms. Human intervention is still required.

Enterprise AI For Dummies

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