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After such a wonderful, and then weird, night with Jason, I wasn't completely sure why I agreed to go on another date from the app. But a guy named Brandon with tan skin and quirky framed glasses said hello and I couldn’t help but say it back.

Another date at another dimly lit and loud bar. Why was I doing this to myself? I showed up right on time this time around and sat alone at a table while I waited for him.

In my head, I was giving myself mini pep talks to help me get through the evening. I had learned a lesson the last time. People aren’t always going to be exactly who they say they are, and maybe that’s okay. I had to look at myself here and decide if even my own profile on the app made me out to be exactly who I was, and not just the parts of myself I wanted people to see.

Ten minutes went by and Brandon still hadn’t shown up, but I didn’t feel bothered yet. Ten minutes could mean that he was stuck in traffic, and not necessarily that I was being stood up.

At the twenty-minute late mark, I sent Jon a text message, “Brandon still hasn’t shown, remind me why I am doing this again?”

“Relax,” he responded. “He is probably just running late. Take a lap around the bar. Maybe he is already there waiting for you too.”

“Valid point,” I typed back and then stood to see if I could find him maybe sitting at a table behind a pillar or in a dark corner. Maybe he was also sitting nervously, thinking it was me who was standing him up.

I walked to each corner of the bar and looked around in all the crevices that could potentially be hiding a patiently waiting patron. I checked my app and didn’t have any messages from him. Maybe I was being stood up?

I walked across the bar once again and then down a hallway that led to the restrooms. I wasn’t really sure what my plan was at this point but I thought it was worth a shot.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw him though. At first, I wasn’t completely sure, but when I saw the glasses I just knew. At the end of the hallway was Brandon, pushed up against the wall, another man pushed up against him, their mouths connected and hands running all over each other's bodies.

Maybe I should have shown up earlier than right on time. Maybe he got bored waiting. Once again, and without my control, my eyes rolled and I deleted yet another potential suitor from the dating app.

Help Me Hold Onto This

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