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The razor-thin competition


(To Douglas Bruce)

Certainly, those who are playing masterpieces

on this goddess musical instrument, called organ, they get much deeper into the subject

what about I talking here. We need to everything get to done

in our personal work-place

little more precise, better, more resultful and carefully

for understand

how this world of great achievement operate, when those, who extremely skillful, extremely gifted and vigilant, extremely well practiced, honed and gallant

joined to major corporations

for encountering with everything

at razor-thin and cutting-edge competition, make the deal and measuring

when the stake is highest, and the final evaluation has making

with the precision of Plank, if we are wanted to be revive, seriously planning it, without empty fantasy and delusion, if we are tending not only to return

to our best shape, health – but on its base reaching out the best self-realisation

what about no one heard and seen before.. we need to all these things get to done

in our life-time and fate-span

without any excuses and procrastination’s!

And such complex machine

as our life, body and soul, which once upon a time have been given to us, by the long-drudged and heavely loaded

mother of evolution

that unfolding one by one

so unexpectedly and usefully

own deeply nested Quantum wonders and marvels. All this staff which called as our life

supremely deserved to be respected as it worth

and the  best way we can do that

if we will mastering, honing and raising up

our equally wonderful and grateful consciousness

towards it’s universal rate and reinforcement

and transcendence. Certainly, those who  are playing masterpieces

on this goddess musical instrument called organ

they get much broadly into subject what about I talking here.

The waterfalls of Meiringen. poetry

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