Читать книгу Born to Win - Зиг Зиглар - Страница 9



THANK YOU, JEAN Abernathy Ziglar (Sugar Baby), for being the only girl I’ve ever loved and for believing I was born to win even when I hadn’t yet realized it for myself.

Thank you to my children, Tom Ziglar, Cindy Ziglar, and Julie Ziglar Norman, my granddaughter Katherine Lemons, and my sonin-law Jim Norman for helping me bring this book to press. It is my joy to work with my family.

Thank you, Laurie Magers, my executive assistant for over thirty-four years, for being dedicated to making this book the best it can be and for always doing everything with great care and professionalism.

Thank you, Billy Cox, my longtime friend, Ziglar, Inc., board member, and exceptional business entrepreneur, for the incredible amount of time and effort you put into helping me make the content of this book all that it needed to be.

Thank you, my friend Larry Carpenter, for writing the foreword of this book, for serving on the Ziglar, Inc., Advisory Board, and for being the person who attended my Born to Win course more often than any other! You have always championed the Born to Win philosophy, and you live the philosophy more completely than anyone I have ever met. Your success in life and in business are proof that you were born to win!

Thank you, Milli Brown, CEO of Brown Books Publishing Group, and David Leach for your belief in and contributions to this project. Thank you, Michael Levin, my new friend, for editing my book with a heart of true understanding about my goals for my reader. Your insight was spot-on and your input added untold value to the content.

Thank you to my Ziglar, Inc., team! You make my work sustainable and I am happily indebted to you!

Many thanks to all of you who have read one of my books or heard me speak, applied what you learned, and discovered that you, too, were born to win! This book is a result of your success in applying these principles.

My deepest gratitude is for the One who has directed my life since July 4, 1972: my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of my relationship with Him, my mind and heart are free of fear and worry, and I can look forward in excited anticipation for what is yet to come.

Born to Win

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